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" Vim syntax file " Language: CSP (Communication Sequential Processes, using FDR input syntax) " Maintainer: Jan Bredereke <> " Version: 0.6.0 " Last change: Mon Mar 25, 2002 " URL: " Copying: You may distribute and use this file freely, in the same " way as the vim editor itself. " " To Do: - Probably I missed some keywords or operators, please " fix them and notify me, the maintainer. " - Currently, we do lexical highlighting only. It would be " nice to have more actual syntax checks, including " highlighting of wrong syntax. " - The additional syntax for the RT-Tester (pseudo-comments) " should be optional. " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " case is significant to FDR: syn case match " Block comments in CSP are between {- and -} syn region cspComment start="{-" end="-}" contains=cspTodo " Single-line comments start with -- syn region cspComment start="--" end="$" contains=cspTodo,cspOldRttComment,cspSdlRttComment keepend " Numbers: syn match cspNumber "\<\d\+\>" " Conditionals: syn keyword cspConditional if then else " Operators on processes: " -> ? : ! ' ; /\ \ [] |~| [> & [[..<-..]] ||| [|..|] || [..<->..] ; : @ ||| syn match cspOperator "->" syn match cspOperator "/\\" syn match cspOperator "[^/]\\"lc=1 syn match cspOperator "\[\]" syn match cspOperator "|\~|" syn match cspOperator "\[>" syn match cspOperator "\[\[" syn match cspOperator "\]\]" syn match cspOperator "<-" syn match cspOperator "|||" syn match cspOperator "[^|]||[^|]"lc=1,me=e-1 syn match cspOperator "[^|{\~]|[^|}\~]"lc=1,me=e-1 syn match cspOperator "\[|" syn match cspOperator "|\]" syn match cspOperator "\[[^>]"me=e-1 syn match cspOperator "\]" syn match cspOperator "<->" syn match cspOperator "[?:!';@]" syn match cspOperator "&" syn match cspOperator "\." " (not on processes:) " syn match cspDelimiter "{|" " syn match cspDelimiter "|}" " syn match cspDelimiter "{[^-|]"me=e-1 " syn match cspDelimiter "[^-|]}"lc=1 " Keywords: syn keyword cspKeyword length null head tail concat elem syn keyword cspKeyword union inter diff Union Inter member card syn keyword cspKeyword empty set Set Seq syn keyword cspKeyword true false and or not within let syn keyword cspKeyword nametype datatype diamond normal syn keyword cspKeyword sbisim tau_loop_factor model_compress syn keyword cspKeyword explicate syn match cspKeyword "transparent" syn keyword cspKeyword external chase prioritize syn keyword cspKeyword channel Events syn keyword cspKeyword extensions productions syn keyword cspKeyword Bool Int " Reserved keywords: syn keyword cspReserved attribute embed module subtype " Include: syn region cspInclude matchgroup=cspIncludeKeyword start="^include" end="$" keepend contains=cspIncludeArg syn region cspIncludeArg start='\s\+\"' end= '\"\s*' contained " Assertions: syn keyword cspAssert assert deterministic divergence free deadlock syn keyword cspAssert livelock syn match cspAssert "\[T=" syn match cspAssert "\[F=" syn match cspAssert "\[FD=" syn match cspAssert "\[FD\]" syn match cspAssert "\[F\]" " Types and Sets " (first char a capital, later at least one lower case, no trailing underscore): syn match cspType "\<_*[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*[a-z]\(\|[A-Za-z_0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9]\)\>" " Processes (all upper case, no trailing underscore): " (For identifiers that could be types or sets, too, this second rule set " wins.) syn match cspProcess "\<[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*[A-Z0-9]\>" syn match cspProcess "\<[A-Z_]\>" " reserved identifiers for tool output (ending in underscore): syn match cspReservedIdentifier "\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*_\>" " ToDo markers: syn match cspTodo "FIXME" contained syn match cspTodo "TODO" contained syn match cspTodo "!!!" contained " RT-Tester pseudo comments: " (The now obsolete syntax:) syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_UNDEF"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_ERROR"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_WARNING"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_SET_TIMER"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_RESET_TIMER"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_ELAPSED_TIMER"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_OUTPUT"lc=2 contained syn match cspOldRttComment "^--\$\$AM_INPUT"lc=2 contained " (The current syntax:) syn region cspRttPragma matchgroup=cspRttPragmaKeyword start="^pragma\s\+" end="\s*$" oneline keepend contains=cspRttPragmaArg,cspRttPragmaSdl syn keyword cspRttPragmaArg AM_ERROR AM_WARNING AM_SET_TIMER contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaArg AM_RESET_TIMER AM_ELAPSED_TIMER contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaArg AM_OUTPUT AM_INPUT AM_INTERNAL contained " the "SDL_MATCH" extension: syn region cspRttPragmaSdl matchgroup=cspRttPragmaKeyword start="SDL_MATCH\s\+" end="\s*$" contains=cspRttPragmaSdlArg contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaSdlArg TRANSLATE nextgroup=cspRttPragmaSdlTransName contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaSdlArg PARAM SKIP OPTIONAL CHOICE ARRAY nextgroup=cspRttPragmaSdlName contained syn match cspRttPragmaSdlName "\s*\S\+\s*" nextgroup=cspRttPragmaSdlTail contained syn region cspRttPragmaSdlTail start="" end="\s*$" contains=cspRttPragmaSdlTailArg contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaSdlTailArg SUBSET_USED DEFAULT_VALUE Present contained syn match cspRttPragmaSdlTransName "\s*\w\+\s*" nextgroup=cspRttPragmaSdlTransTail contained syn region cspRttPragmaSdlTransTail start="" end="\s*$" contains=cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg contained syn keyword cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg sizeof contained syn match cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg "\*" contained syn match cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg "(" contained syn match cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg ")" contained " temporary syntax extension for commented-out "pragma SDL_MATCH": syn match cspSdlRttComment "pragma\s\+SDL_MATCH\s\+" nextgroup=cspRttPragmaSdlArg contained syn sync lines=250 " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later " (For vim version <=5.7, the command groups are defined in " $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/synload.vim ) hi def link cspComment Comment hi def link cspNumber Number hi def link cspConditional Conditional hi def link cspOperator Delimiter hi def link cspKeyword Keyword hi def link cspReserved SpecialChar hi def link cspInclude Error hi def link cspIncludeKeyword Include hi def link cspIncludeArg Include hi def link cspAssert PreCondit hi def link cspType Type hi def link cspProcess Function hi def link cspTodo Todo hi def link cspOldRttComment Define hi def link cspRttPragmaKeyword Define hi def link cspSdlRttComment Define hi def link cspRttPragmaArg Define hi def link cspRttPragmaSdlArg Define hi def link cspRttPragmaSdlName Default hi def link cspRttPragmaSdlTailArg Define hi def link cspRttPragmaSdlTransName Default hi def link cspRttPragmaSdlTransTailArg Define hi def link cspReservedIdentifier Error " (Currently unused vim method: Debug) let b:current_syntax = "csp" " vim: ts=8