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" Vim indent file " Language: Eiffel " Maintainer: Jocelyn Fiat <> " Previous-Maintainer: David Clarke <> " Contributions from: Takuya Fujiwara " Contributions from: Thilo Six " $Date: 2017/03/08 06:00:00 $ " $Revision: 1.4 $ " URL: " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=GetEiffelIndent() setlocal nolisp setlocal nosmartindent setlocal nocindent setlocal autoindent setlocal comments=:-- setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=ensure,=require,=check,=loop,=until setlocal indentkeys+==creation,=feature,=inherit,=class,=is,=redefine,=rename,=variant setlocal indentkeys+==invariant,=do,=local,=export let b:undo_indent = "setl smartindent< indentkeys< indentexpr< autoindent< comments< " " Define some stuff " keywords grouped by indenting let s:trust_user_indent = '\(+\)\(\s*\(--\).*\)\=$' let s:relative_indent = '^\s*\(deferred\|class\|feature\|creation\|inherit\|loop\|from\|across\|until\|if\|else\|elseif\|ensure\|require\|check\|do\|local\|invariant\|variant\|rename\|redefine\|do\|export\)\>' let s:outdent = '^\s*\(else\|invariant\|variant\|do\|require\|until\|loop\|local\)\>' let s:no_indent = '^\s*\(class\|feature\|creation\|inherit\)\>' let s:single_dent = '^[^-]\+[[:alnum:]]\+ is\(\s*\(--\).*\)\=$' let s:inheritance_dent = '\s*\(redefine\|rename\|export\)\>' " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetEiffelIndent") finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim function GetEiffelIndent() " Eiffel Class indenting " " Find a non-blank line above the current line. let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 return 0 endif " trust the user's indenting if getline(lnum) =~ s:trust_user_indent return -1 endif " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines that start with an indent word let ind = indent(lnum) if getline(lnum) =~ s:relative_indent let ind = ind + shiftwidth() endif " Indent to single indent if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:single_dent && getline(v:lnum) !~ s:relative_indent \ && getline(v:lnum) !~ '\s*\<\(and\|or\|implies\)\>' let ind = shiftwidth() endif " Indent to double indent if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:inheritance_dent let ind = 2 * shiftwidth() endif " Indent line after the first line of the function definition if getline(lnum) =~ s:single_dent let ind = ind + shiftwidth() endif " The following should always be at the start of a line, no indenting if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:no_indent let ind = 0 endif " Subtract a 'shiftwidth', if this isn't the first thing after the 'is' " or first thing after the 'do' if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:outdent && getline(v:lnum - 1) !~ s:single_dent \ && getline(v:lnum - 1) !~ '^\s*do\>' let ind = ind - shiftwidth() endif " Subtract a shiftwidth for end statements if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*end\>' let ind = ind - shiftwidth() endif " set indent of zero end statements that are at an indent of 3, this should " only ever be the class's end. if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*end\>' && ind == shiftwidth() let ind = 0 endif return ind endfunction let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:sw=2