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#!/usr/bin/perl -T # # Copyright (c) The Exim Maintainers 2023 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Utility to convert an exim message-id to a human readable form # # # Written by Andrew C Aitchison # # Portions taken from exicyclog.src, which is # Copyright (c) University of Cambridge, 1995 - 2015 # See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. # # # Except when they appear in comments, the following placeholders in this # source are replaced when it is turned into a runnable script: # # BASE_62 # BIN_DIRECTORY # CONFIGURE_FILE # PERL_COMMAND # EXIM_RELEASE_VERSION # EXIM_VARIANT_VERSION # # This file has been so processed. # These match runtest use v5.10.1; use warnings; use if $^V >= v5.19.11, experimental => 'smartmatch'; use strict; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use constant { TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0 }; if (defined $ENV{TZ}) { my $zonefile = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$ENV{TZ}"; if (defined $ENV{TZDIR}) { if (-d $ENV{TZDIR}) { $zonefile="$ENV{TZDIR}/$ENV{TZ}"; } else { warn "No directory TZDIR=$ENV{TZDIR}\n" } } warn "Cannot read timezone file $zonefile (from TZDIR/TZ)\n\t'man tzset' may help.\n" unless -r $zonefile; } my $localhost_number; # An Exim config value my $nolocalhost_number; my $p_name = basename $0; my $p_version = "20230501.0"; my $p_cp = <<EOM; Copyright (c) 2023 The Exim Maintainers 2023 Portions taken from exicyclog.src, which is Copyright (c) University of Cambridge, 1995 - 2015 See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. EOM $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; use POSIX qw(strftime); my ($debug, $nodebug, $optbase, $optbase36, $optbase62, $optunix, $optgmt, $optlocal, $optpid, $opteximpath,$optconfigfile); # Cannot use $debug here, since we haven't read ARGV yet. if (FALSE) { warn join(" ", $0, @ARGV), "\n"; } # Case is ignored, abbreviations are allowed. GetOptions ( # Allow windows style arguments /... # "--|-|\+|\/" => \$prefix_pattern, # "--|\/" => \$long_prefix_pattern, "b=i" => \$optbase, "base=i" => \$optbase, "b36" => \$optbase36, "base36" => \$optbase36, "b62" => \$optbase62, "base62" => \$optbase62, "localhost_number=s" => \$localhost_number, # cf "local" "nolocalhost_number" => \$nolocalhost_number, "no-localhost_number" => \$nolocalhost_number, "no_localhost_number" => \$nolocalhost_number, "unix" => \$optunix, "u" => \$optunix, "GMT" => \$optgmt, "UTC" => \$optgmt, "zulu" => \$optgmt, "local" => \$optlocal, # cf "localhost_number" "l" => \$optlocal, # cf "localhost_number" "pid" => \$optpid, # exim args given by the test harness "C=s" => \$optconfigfile, "dexim_path=s" => \$opteximpath, "debug" => \$debug, "nodebug" => \$nodebug, "no-debug" => \$nodebug, 'help' => sub { pod2usage(-exit => 0) }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage( -exit => 0, -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => system('perldoc -V 2>/dev/null 1>&2') ); }, 'version' => sub { print basename($0), ": $p_version $0\n"; print "exim build: 4.98\n"; print "perl(runtime): $]\n"; exit 0; }, ) or pod2usage; # die("Error in command line arguments\n"); $debug = undef if $nodebug; if ($debug) { warn "$0 ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n"; warn "C=$optconfigfile\n" if defined $optconfigfile; warn "dexim_path=$opteximpath\n" if defined $opteximpath; } unless ($optgmt || $optunix || $optlocal) { $optlocal = TRUE; } if (defined($optbase36) && defined($optbase62)) { die "cannot be base36 and base62\n"; } if (defined $optbase36) { $optbase = 36; } if (defined $optbase62) { $optbase = 62; } if (defined $optbase) { if ($optbase =~ 62) { $optbase = 62; } elsif ($optbase =~ 36) { $optbase = 36; } else { warn "\toptbase36=$optbase36\n" if defined $optbase36; warn "\toptbase62=$optbase62\n"if defined $optbase62; die "unknown base option $optbase\n"; } } # Some Operating Systems have case-insensitive file systems # (at least by default). # This limits the characters available for the message-id # and hence the base Exim uses to encode numbers. # # We use Perl's idea of the operating system. # Should we instead use the script "scripts/os-type" which comes with Exim ? my $defaultbase; if ($^O =~ /darwin|cygwin/i) { # darwin aka MacOS X $defaultbase = 36; } else { $defaultbase = 62; } if ("62" != $defaultbase and !defined $optbase) { die "base_62 mismatch: OS implies $defaultbase but config has 62\n"; } my $base=$defaultbase; $base = $optbase if $optbase; my $base62_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; my $base36_chars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; my $base_chars; if ($base == 62) { $base_chars = $base62_chars; } else { $base_chars = $base36_chars; } # We use this to decode both base62 and base36 sub decode62($) { #warn "decode62(", join(",", @_), ")\n"; my ($text) = @_; unless ($text =~ /^[$base_chars]+$/) { die "$text is not base $base\n"; } my $n=0; foreach my $tt (split //, $text) { $n = $n * $base + index($base_chars, $tt); } #warn "$text -> $n\n"; return $n; } # decode62 sub get_configfilename() { if (defined $optconfigfile) { if ( -r $optconfigfile ) { warn "using config $optconfigfile\n" if $debug; return $optconfigfile; } else { die "cannot read $optconfigfile\n"; } } # See if this installation is using the esoteric "USE_EUID" feature of # Exim, in which it uses the effective user id as a suffix for the # configuration file name. In order for this to work, exim_msgdate # must be run under the appropriate euid. my $euid = ""; if ("CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID" eq "yes" ) { $euid=`id -u`; } # See if this installation is using the esoteric "USE_NODE" # feature of Exim, in which it uses the host's name as a suffix # for the configuration file name. my $hostsuffix=""; if ("CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE" eq "yes") { $hostsuffix=`uname -n`; } # Now find the configuration file name. # This has got complicated because the CONFIGURE_FILE value may now # be a list of files. The one that is used is the first one that # exists. Mimic the code in readconf.c by testing first for the # suffixed file in each case. my $config=""; my $baseconfig; foreach $baseconfig (split /:/, "/etc/exim.conf") { chomp $baseconfig; if (-f "$baseconfig$euid$hostsuffix" ) { $config="$baseconfig$euid$hostsuffix"; } elsif (-f "$baseconfig$euid" ) { $config="$baseconfig$euid"; } elsif (-f "$baseconfig$hostsuffix" ) { $config="$baseconfig$hostsuffix"; } elsif (-f "$baseconfig" ) { $config="$baseconfig"; } last if $config; } unless ($config) { die "No config file found\n"; } return $config; } # sub get_configfilename if ($debug) { warn "before reading configfiles:\n"; if (defined $localhost_number) { warn "localhost_number=$localhost_number\n"; } else { warn "localhost_number unset\n"; } if (defined $nolocalhost_number) { warn "nolocalhost_number=$nolocalhost_number\n"; } else { warn "nolocalhost_number unset\n"; } } if (defined $localhost_number) { if ($localhost_number eq "none") { $localhost_number = undef; $nolocalhost_number = TRUE; } else { if ($nolocalhost_number) { die "aborting: localhost_number and nolocalhost_number both set\n "; } $nolocalhost_number = FALSE; } } unless (defined $nolocalhost_number) { warn "Looking for config file\n" if $debug; my $config = get_configfilename(); warn "Reading config $config to find localhost_number\n" if $debug; if (-r $config) { # This does not do any expansions or lookups, # so could be end up with a different value for localhost_number # from the one that exim finds. open(CONFIG, "<", $config) or die "cannot open config $config :$!\n"; while(<CONFIG>) { if (/^\s*localhost_number\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { $localhost_number = $1; } } close CONFIG or die "cannot close config $config: $!\n"; warn "$config gives localhost_number $localhost_number\n" if $debug and defined $localhost_number; } else { if ($debug) { warn "cannot read config file $config\n"; } # This way we get the expanded value for localhost_number # directly from exim, but we have to guess which exim binary ... # On Debian and Ubuntu, /usr/sbin/exim is a link to exim4 so is OK. # # Even if given on command line, we cannot use $opteximpath # since it is the full path to this script, # or $config since it is tainted. # warn "running system exim -bP localhost_number\n" if $debug; my $exim_bP_localhost_number = `/usr/sbin/exim -bP localhost_number`; if ($exim_bP_localhost_number =~ /^localhost_number\s*=\s*(\d*)/) { $localhost_number = $1; } warn "exim_bP_localhost_number $exim_bP_localhost_number gives localhost_number $localhost_number\n" if $debug and defined $localhost_number; } } if (defined $localhost_number) { if ($localhost_number =~ /\D/) { die "localhost_number must be a number >=0\n"; } elsif ($localhost_number =~ /^\d*$/) { die "localhost_number > 16\n" if $localhost_number > 16; die "localhost_number > 10\n" if $localhost_number > 10 && ($base != 62); } else { warn "clearing localhost_number - was $localhost_number\n"; undef $localhost_number; $nolocalhost_number=TRUE; } } if ($debug) { if (defined $localhost_number) { warn "localhost_number=$localhost_number\n"; } else { warn "localhost_number unset\n"; } } sub unpack_time($$) { my ($seconds, $fractions) = @_; #warn "encoded: seconds: $seconds fractions: $fractions\n"; my ($id_resolution, $lcl_hostnum, $new_format); $new_format = 1 if (length $fractions) == 4; $seconds = decode62($seconds); $fractions = decode62($fractions) if $fractions; if (defined $localhost_number && $localhost_number ne "none") { print "localhost_number $localhost_number\n" if $debug; if ($base != 62) { # MacOS/Darwin and Cygwin $id_resolution = defined($new_format) ? 4 : 10000; } else { # Standard UNIX etc. $id_resolution = defined($new_format) ? 2 : 5000; } my $frac_divisor = 1000000 / $id_resolution; $lcl_hostnum = int($fractions / $frac_divisor); warn "localhost $lcl_hostnum from message-id != given number $localhost_number" if ($lcl_hostnum != $localhost_number); $fractions -= $lcl_hostnum * $frac_divisor; } else { if ($base != 62) { # MacOS/Darwin and Cygwin $id_resolution = defined($new_format) ? 2 : 1000; } else { # Standard UNIX etc. $id_resolution = defined($new_format) ? 1 : 500; } } $fractions *= $id_resolution; #warn "decoded: seconds: $seconds, fractions: $fractions"; ($fractions < 1000000) or die "bad microsecond count: $fractions\n"; return ($seconds, $fractions); } # sub unpack_time($$) sub print_time($$$$$$) { my ($seconds, $decimal, $unix, $zulu, $localtm, $pid) = @_; if ($debug) { my $ounix = defined($unix) ? $unix : "undef"; my $ozulu = defined($zulu) ? $zulu : "undef"; my $olocal = defined($localtm) ? $localtm : "undef"; my $opid = defined($pid) ? $pid : "undef"; warn "print_time($seconds, $decimal, $ounix, $ozulu, $olocal, $opid)\n" } my $pidstring = ""; $pidstring = "\tpid $pid" if defined $pid; my $decimalstring = ""; # if ($decimal>0) { $decimalstring = sprintf(".%6.6d", $decimal); } my $secondsstring; unless (defined $unix or defined $zulu or defined $localtm) { warn "No time type requested. Reporting UNIX time\n"; $unix = TRUE; } if (defined $unix) { $secondsstring = $seconds; print "$secondsstring$decimalstring$pidstring\n"; } if (defined $zulu) { $secondsstring = strftime("%F %T", gmtime($seconds)); print "$secondsstring$decimalstring$pidstring\n"; } if (defined $localtm) { $secondsstring = strftime("%F %T%%s %Z%%s\n", localtime($seconds)); # print "secondstring $secondsstring\n" if $debug; printf($secondsstring, $decimalstring, $pidstring); } } # sub print_time($$$$$$) foreach my $msgid (@ARGV) { my ($seconds, $pid, $fractions, $decimal); if ($msgid =~ /(?:(?:^|[\s<])E? (?<seconds>[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}) # new format -(?<pid>[a-zA-Z0-9]{11}) -(?<fractions>[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}) | (?<seconds>[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}) # old format -(?<pid>[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}) -(?<fractions>[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}) )/x) { print "saw full mesgid\n" if $debug; # Should take either the log form of timestamp, # the Message-ID: header form with the leading 'E', ... ($seconds, $decimal) = unpack_time($+{seconds}, $+{fractions}); $pid = decode62($+{pid}); #warn "$seconds, $pid, $+{fractions}\n"; } elsif ($msgid =~ /(?:^|[^0-9A-Za-z]) (?<seconds> [a-zA-Z0-9]{11} # new format |[a-zA-Z0-9]{6} # old format )$/x) { # ... or just the timecode section before the first '-' print "saw just timecode\n" if $debug; ($seconds, $pid, $decimal) = (decode62($+{seconds}), undef, 0); } else { warn "$msgid not parsed\n"; next; } if ($debug) { print "msgid: $msgid\n"; my $ogmt = defined($optgmt) ? $optgmt : "undef"; my $ounix = defined($optunix) ? $optunix : "undef"; my $olocal = defined($optlocal) ? $optlocal : "undef"; my $opid = defined($optpid) ? $optpid : "undef"; print "print_time($seconds, $decimal, $ounix, $ogmt, $olocal, $opid)\n"; } $pid = undef unless $optpid; print_time($seconds, $decimal, $optunix, $optgmt, $optlocal, $pid); } =head1 NAME exim_msgdate - Utility to convert an exim message-id to a human readable date+time =head1 SYNOPSIS B<exim_msgdate> [ -u|--unix | --GMT | --z|-Zulu | --UTC | -l|--local ] [ --base 36 | --base 62 | --base36 | --base62 | --b36 | --b62 ] [ --pid ] [ --debug ] [ --localhost_number ] [ -c c<full path to exim cnfig file> ] exim-message-id [ | exim-message-id ...] B<exim_msgdate> --help|--man =head1 DESCRIPTION B<exim_msgdate> is a tool which converts an exim message-id to a human readable form, usuall just the date+time, but with the I<--pid> option the process id as well. =head1 Message IDs: Three exim message ID formats are recognized. In each case the 'X's are taken from the base (see below) which depends upon the platform. =over 4 =item XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XX found in the exim logfile, =item EXXXXXX-XXXXXX-XX found in the Message-Id header, =item XXXXXX just the first six characters of the message id. =back =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Time Zones and Unix Time =over 4 =item B<-u | --unix> Display time as seconds since 1 Jan 1970, the Unix Epoch. =item B<--GMT> B<-u|--UTC> B<-z|--zulu> Display time in GMT/UTC - we assume these are the same. Zulu time is another name for GMT. =item B<-l | --local> Display time in the local time-zone. Do not confuse this with the L<--localhost_number|/--localhost_number-n> option. =back The default is the local timezone. =head2 User Assistance Options =over 4 =item B<--help> A brief list of the options =item B<--man> A more detailed manual for B<exim_msgdate> =item B<--debug> Information about what went wrong, mostly for developers. =back =head2 Specialized Options =over 4 =item B<--base> n | B<--base36> | B<--base62> The message-id is usually encoded in base-62 (0-9A-Za-z), but on systems with case-insensitive file systems, such as MacOS and Cygwin, base-36 (0-9A-Z) is used instead. The installation script should have set the default appropriately, but these options allow the default base to be overridden. The default matches C<exim>; in this installation it is base-62. =item B<--pid> Report the process id as well as the date and time in the message-id. =item B<--localhost_number> n If the Exim configuration option B<localhost_number> has been set, the third and final section of the message-id will include this and the timer resolution will change (see the Exim Spec. for details). C<Exim_msgdate> reads the Exim config file (see L<--C|/C-full-path-to-exim-configuration-file>) to find this value, but it can be overridden with this option. The value is an integer between 0 and 16, or the value "none" which means there is no localhost_number. Do not confuse this with the L<--local|/l---local> option, which displays times in the local timezone. =item B<--C> B<full path to exim configuration file> This overrides the usual exim search path. We set C<localhost_number> from the exim configfile. =item B<-dexim_path> The test test harness passes the full path of the C<exim> binary, or here the C<exim_msgdate> being tested. Not currently used. =back =head1 SEE ALSO: L<exim(8)> L<Exim spec.txt chapter 4|> =cut