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" Vim syntax file " Language: Vim syntax file for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 MIB and SMI files " Maintainer: Martin Smat <> " Original Author: David Pascoe <> " Written: Wed Jan 28 14:37:23 GMT--8:00 1998 " Last Changed: Mon Mar 23 2010 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235,- syn keyword mibImplicit ACCESS ANY AUGMENTS BEGIN BIT BITS BOOLEAN CHOICE syn keyword mibImplicit COMPONENTS CONTACT-INFO DEFINITIONS DEFVAL syn keyword mibImplicit DESCRIPTION DISPLAY-HINT END ENTERPRISE EXTERNAL FALSE syn keyword mibImplicit FROM GROUP IMPLICIT IMPLIED IMPORTS INDEX syn keyword mibImplicit LAST-UPDATED MANDATORY-GROUPS MAX-ACCESS syn keyword mibImplicit MIN-ACCESS MODULE MODULE-COMPLIANCE MODULE-IDENTITY syn keyword mibImplicit NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATION-TYPE NOTIFICATIONS syn keyword mibImplicit NULL OBJECT-GROUP OBJECT-IDENTITY OBJECT-TYPE syn keyword mibImplicit OBJECTS OF OPTIONAL ORGANIZATION REFERENCE syn keyword mibImplicit REVISION SEQUENCE SET SIZE STATUS SYNTAX syn keyword mibImplicit TEXTUAL-CONVENTION TRAP-TYPE TRUE UNITS VARIABLES syn keyword mibImplicit WRITE-SYNTAX syn keyword mibValue accessible-for-notify current DisplayString syn keyword mibValue deprecated mandatory not-accessible obsolete optional syn keyword mibValue read-create read-only read-write write-only INTEGER syn keyword mibValue Counter Gauge IpAddress OCTET STRING experimental mib-2 syn keyword mibValue TimeTicks RowStatus TruthValue UInteger32 snmpModules syn keyword mibValue Integer32 Counter32 TestAndIncr TimeStamp InstancePointer syn keyword mibValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER Gauge32 AutonomousType Counter64 syn keyword mibValue PhysAddress TimeInterval MacAddress StorageType RowPointer syn keyword mibValue TDomain TAddress ifIndex " Epilogue SMI extensions syn keyword mibEpilogue FORCE-INCLUDE EXCLUDE cookie get-function set-function syn keyword mibEpilogue test-function get-function-async set-function-async syn keyword mibEpilogue test-function-async next-function next-function-async syn keyword mibEpilogue leaf-name syn keyword mibEpilogue DEFAULT contained syn match mibOperator "::=" syn match mibComment "\ *--.\{-}\(--\|$\)" syn match mibNumber "\<['0-9a-fA-FhH]*\>" syn region mibDescription start="\"" end="\"" contains=DEFAULT hi def link mibImplicit Statement hi def link mibOperator Statement hi def link mibComment Comment hi def link mibConstants String hi def link mibNumber Number hi def link mibDescription Identifier hi def link mibEpilogue SpecialChar hi def link mibValue Structure let b:current_syntax = "mib"