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#!/usr/bin/perl -T use strict; use warnings; =head1 TEST PURPOSE These tests test option list cannonization (from an option list into a aref). =cut use Data::OptList; use Sub::Install; use Test::More 0.88; # let's get a convenient copy to use: Sub::Install::install_sub({ code => 'mkopt', from => 'Data::OptList', }); sub OPT { # specifying moniker is tedious (also, these tests predate them) splice @_, 1, 0, 'test' if @_ > 1; mkopt(@_); } is_deeply( OPT([]), [], "empty opt list expands properly", ); is_deeply( OPT(), [], "undef expands into []", ); is_deeply( OPT([ qw(foo bar baz) ]), [ [ foo => undef ], [ bar => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of just names expands", ); { my $options = OPT({ foo => undef, bar => 10, baz => [] }); $options = [ sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @$options ]; is_deeply( $options, [ [ bar => undef ], [ baz => [] ], [ foo => undef ] ], "hash opt list expands properly" ); } is_deeply( OPT([ qw(foo bar baz) ], 0, "ARRAY"), [ [ foo => undef ], [ bar => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of just names expands with must_be", ); is_deeply( OPT([ qw(foo :bar baz) ]), [ [ foo => undef ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names expands with :group names", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ]), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, 'HASH'), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with must_be", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['HASH']), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be]", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, [qw< HASH CODE >]), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be]", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, [qw< CODE HASH >]), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be]", ); { bless((my $object = {}), 'Test::DOL::Obj'); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => $object, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, 'Test::DOL::Obj'), [ [ foo => $object ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with must_be, must_be object", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => $object, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['Test::DOL::Obj']), [ [ foo => $object ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be], must_be object", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => $object, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['ARRAY', 'HASH', 'CODE', 'SCALAR', 'Test::DOL::Obj']), [ [ foo => $object ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be], must_be object", ); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => $object, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['Test::DOL::Obj', 'CODE']), [ [ foo => $object ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands with [must_be], must_be object", ); } eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, 'ARRAY'); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['ARRAY']); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['ARRAY', 'CODE', 'SCALAR', 'Foo']); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { mkopt( [ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], { moniker => 'test', must_be => ['ARRAY'], } ); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, 'Test::DOL::Obj'); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['Test::DOL::Obj']); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar', 'baz' ], 0, ['CODE', 'Test::DOL::Obj']); }; like($@, qr/HASH-ref values are not/, "exception tossed on invalid ref value"); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar' => undef, 'baz' ]), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "opt list of names and values expands, ignoring undef", ); eval { OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar' => undef, ':bar' ], 1); }; like($@, qr/multiple definitions/, "require_unique constraint catches repeat"); is_deeply( OPT([ foo => { a => 1 }, ':bar' => undef, 'baz' ], 1), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ ':bar' => undef ], [ baz => undef ] ], "previously tested expansion OK with require_unique", ); # This one is complicated. We defined name values as only non-references (the # default) or arrayrefs, so arrayrefs are not turned into values as they # usually are. (The subsequent test shows the default expectation.) # -- rjbs, 2011-04-08 my @input =( foo => { a => 1 }, bar => undef, baz => xyz => [ 1, 2, 3 ], ); is_deeply( mkopt( [ @input ], { moniker => 'test', name_test => sub { ! ref $_[0] or Params::Util::_ARRAYLIKE($_[0]) }, }, ), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ bar => undef ], [ baz => undef ], [ xyz => undef ], [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], undef ], ], ); is_deeply( mkopt( [ @input ], { moniker => 'test', }, ), [ [ foo => { a => 1 } ], [ bar => undef ], [ baz => undef ], [ xyz => [ 1, 2, 3 ] ], ], ); done_testing;