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import errno from . import hotplug from .decorators import * import tuned.logs from tuned.utils.nettool import ethcard from tuned.utils.commands import commands import os import re log = tuned.logs.get() WOL_VALUES = "pumbagsd" class NetTuningPlugin(hotplug.Plugin): """ `net`:: Configures network driver, hardware and Netfilter settings. Dynamic change of the interface speed according to the interface utilization is also supported. The dynamic tuning is controlled by the [option]`dynamic` and the global [option]`dynamic_tuning` option in `tuned-main.conf`. + The [option]`wake_on_lan` option sets wake-on-lan to the specified value as when using the `ethtool` utility. + .Set Wake-on-LAN for device eth0 on MagicPacket(TM) ==== ---- [net] devices=eth0 wake_on_lan=g ---- ==== + The [option]`coalesce` option allows changing coalescing settings for the specified network devices. The syntax is: + [subs="+quotes,+macros"] ---- coalesce=__param1__ __value1__ __param2__ __value2__ ... __paramN__ __valueN__ ---- Note that not all the coalescing parameters are supported by all network cards. For the list of coalescing parameters of your network device, use `ethtool -c device`. + .Setting coalescing parameters rx/tx-usecs for all network devices ==== ---- [net] coalesce=rx-usecs 3 tx-usecs 16 ---- ==== + The [option]`features` option allows changing the offload parameters and other features for the specified network devices. To query the features of your network device, use `ethtool -k device`. The syntax of the option is the same as the [option]`coalesce` option. + .Turn off TX checksumming, generic segmentation and receive offload ==== ---- [net] features=tx off gso off gro off ---- ==== The [option]`pause` option allows changing the pause parameters for the specified network devices. To query the pause parameters of your network device, use `ethtool -a device`. The syntax of the option is the same as the [option]`coalesce` option. + .Disable autonegotiation ==== ---- [net] pause=autoneg off ---- ==== + The [option]`ring` option allows changing the rx/tx ring parameters for the specified network devices. To query the ring parameters of your network device, use `ethtool -g device`. The syntax of the option is the same as the [option]`coalesce` option. + .Change the number of ring entries for the Rx/Tx rings to 1024/512 respectively ===== ----- [net] ring=rx 1024 tx 512 ----- ===== + The [option]`channels` option allows changing the numbers of channels for the specified network device. A channel is an IRQ and the set of queues that can trigger that IRQ. To query the channels parameters of your network device, use `ethtool -l device`. The syntax of the option is the same as the [option]`coalesce` option. + .Set the number of multi-purpose channels to 16 ===== ----- [net] channels=combined 16 ----- ===== + A network device either supports rx/tx or combined queue mode. The [option]`channels` option automatically adjusts the parameters based on the mode supported by the device as long as a valid configuration is requested. + The [option]`nf_conntrack_hashsize` option sets the size of the hash table which stores lists of conntrack entries by writing to `/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize`. + .Adjust the size of the conntrack hash table ==== ---- [net] nf_conntrack_hashsize=131072 ---- ==== + The [option]`txqueuelen` option allows changing txqueuelen (the length of the transmit queue). It uses `ip` utility that is in package iproute recommended for TuneD, so the package needs to be installed for its correct functionality. To query the txqueuelen parameters of your network device use `ip link show` and the current value is shown after the qlen column. + .Adjust the length of the transmit queue ==== ---- [net] txqueuelen=5000 ---- ==== + The [option]`mtu` option allows changing MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). It uses `ip` utility that is in package iproute recommended for TuneD, so the package needs to be installed for its correct functionality. To query the MTU parameters of your network device use `ip link show` and the current value is shown after the MTU column. + .Adjust the size of the MTU ==== ---- [net] mtu=9000 ---- ==== """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NetTuningPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._load_smallest = 0.05 self._level_steps = 6 self._cmd = commands() self._re_ip_link_show = {} self._use_ip = True def _init_devices(self): self._devices_supported = True self._free_devices = set() self._assigned_devices = set() re_not_virtual = re.compile('(?!.*/virtual/.*)') for device in self._hardware_inventory.get_devices("net"): if re_not_virtual.match(device.device_path): self._free_devices.add(device.sys_name) log.debug("devices: %s" % str(self._free_devices)); def _get_device_objects(self, devices): return [self._hardware_inventory.get_device("net", x) for x in devices] def _instance_init(self, instance): instance._has_static_tuning = True if self._option_bool(instance.options["dynamic"]): instance._has_dynamic_tuning = True instance._load_monitor = self._monitors_repository.create("net", instance.assigned_devices) instance._idle = {} instance._stats = {} else: instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False instance._load_monitor = None instance._idle = None instance._stats = None def _instance_cleanup(self, instance): if instance._load_monitor is not None: self._monitors_repository.delete(instance._load_monitor) instance._load_monitor = None def _instance_apply_dynamic(self, instance, device): self._instance_update_dynamic(instance, device) def _instance_update_dynamic(self, instance, device): load = [int(value) for value in instance._load_monitor.get_device_load(device)] if load is None: return if not device in instance._stats: self._init_stats_and_idle(instance, device) self._update_stats(instance, device, load) self._update_idle(instance, device) stats = instance._stats[device] idle = instance._idle[device] if idle["level"] == 0 and idle["read"] >= self._level_steps and idle["write"] >= self._level_steps: idle["level"] = 1"%s: setting 100Mbps" % device) ethcard(device).set_speed(100) elif idle["level"] == 1 and (idle["read"] == 0 or idle["write"] == 0): idle["level"] = 0"%s: setting max speed" % device) ethcard(device).set_max_speed() log.debug("%s load: read %0.2f, write %0.2f" % (device, stats["read"], stats["write"])) log.debug("%s idle: read %d, write %d, level %d" % (device, idle["read"], idle["write"], idle["level"])) @classmethod def _get_config_options_coalesce(cls): return { "adaptive-rx": None, "adaptive-tx": None, "rx-usecs": None, "rx-frames": None, "rx-usecs-irq": None, "rx-frames-irq": None, "tx-usecs": None, "tx-frames": None, "tx-usecs-irq": None, "tx-frames-irq": None, "stats-block-usecs": None, "pkt-rate-low": None, "rx-usecs-low": None, "rx-frames-low": None, "tx-usecs-low": None, "tx-frames-low": None, "pkt-rate-high": None, "rx-usecs-high": None, "rx-frames-high": None, "tx-usecs-high": None, "tx-frames-high": None, "sample-interval": None } @classmethod def _get_config_options_pause(cls): return { "autoneg": None, "rx": None, "tx": None } @classmethod def _get_config_options_ring(cls): return { "rx": None, "rx-mini": None, "rx-jumbo": None, "tx": None } @classmethod def _get_config_options_channels(cls): return { "rx": None, "tx": None, "other": None, "combined": None } @classmethod def _get_config_options(cls): return { "dynamic": True, "wake_on_lan": None, "nf_conntrack_hashsize": None, "features": None, "coalesce": None, "pause": None, "ring": None, "channels": None, "txqueuelen": None, "mtu": None, } def _init_stats_and_idle(self, instance, device): max_speed = self._calc_speed(ethcard(device).get_max_speed()) instance._stats[device] = { "new": 4 * [0], "max": 2 * [max_speed, 1] } instance._idle[device] = { "level": 0, "read": 0, "write": 0 } def _update_stats(self, instance, device, new_load): # put new to old instance._stats[device]["old"] = old_load = instance._stats[device]["new"] instance._stats[device]["new"] = new_load # load difference diff = [new_old[0] - new_old[1] for new_old in zip(new_load, old_load)] instance._stats[device]["diff"] = diff # adapt maximum expected load if the difference is higer old_max_load = instance._stats[device]["max"] max_load = [max(pair) for pair in zip(old_max_load, diff)] instance._stats[device]["max"] = max_load # read/write ratio instance._stats[device]["read"] = float(diff[0]) / float(max_load[0]) instance._stats[device]["write"] = float(diff[2]) / float(max_load[2]) def _update_idle(self, instance, device): # increase counter if there is no load, otherwise reset the counter for operation in ["read", "write"]: if instance._stats[device][operation] < self._load_smallest: instance._idle[device][operation] += 1 else: instance._idle[device][operation] = 0 def _instance_unapply_dynamic(self, instance, device): if device in instance._idle and instance._idle[device]["level"] > 0: instance._idle[device]["level"] = 0"%s: setting max speed" % device) ethcard(device).set_max_speed() def _calc_speed(self, speed): # 0.6 is just a magical constant (empirical value): Typical workload on netcard won't exceed # that and if it does, then the code is smart enough to adapt it. # 1024 * 1024 as for MB -> B # speed / 8 Mb -> MB return (int) (0.6 * 1024 * 1024 * speed / 8) # parse features/coalesce config parameters (those defined in profile configuration) # context is for error message def _parse_config_parameters(self, value, context): # expand config variables value = self._variables.expand(value) # split supporting various dellimeters v = str(re.sub(r"(:\s*)|(\s+)|(\s*;\s*)|(\s*,\s*)", " ", value)).split() lv = len(v) if lv % 2 != 0: log.error("invalid %s parameter: '%s'" % (context, str(value))) return None if lv == 0: return dict() # convert flat list to dict return dict(list(zip(v[::2], v[1::2]))) # parse features/coalesce device parameters (those returned by ethtool) def _parse_device_parameters(self, value): # substitute "Adaptive RX: val1 TX: val2" to 'adaptive-rx: val1' and # 'adaptive-tx: val2' and workaround for ethtool inconsistencies # (rhbz#1225375) value = self._cmd.multiple_re_replace({ "Adaptive RX:": "adaptive-rx:", "\\s+TX:": "\nadaptive-tx:", "rx-frame-low:": "rx-frames-low:", "rx-frame-high:": "rx-frames-high:", "tx-frame-low:": "tx-frames-low:", "tx-frame-high:": "tx-frames-high:", "large-receive-offload:": "lro:", "rx-checksumming:": "rx:", "tx-checksumming:": "tx:", "scatter-gather:": "sg:", "tcp-segmentation-offload:": "tso:", "udp-fragmentation-offload:": "ufo:", "generic-segmentation-offload:": "gso:", "generic-receive-offload:": "gro:", "rx-vlan-offload:": "rxvlan:", "tx-vlan-offload:": "txvlan:", "ntuple-filters:": "ntuple:", "receive-hashing:": "rxhash:", }, value) # remove empty lines, remove fixed parameters (those with "[fixed]") vl = [v for v in value.split('\n') if len(str(v)) > 0 and not"\[fixed\]$", str(v))] if len(vl) < 2: return None # skip first line (device name), split to key/value, # remove pairs which are not key/value return dict([u for u in [re.split(r":\s*", str(v)) for v in vl[1:]] if len(u) == 2]) @classmethod def _nf_conntrack_hashsize_path(self): return "/sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize" @command_set("wake_on_lan", per_device=True) def _set_wake_on_lan(self, value, device, sim, remove): if value is None: return None # see man ethtool for possible wol values, 0 added as an alias for 'd' value = re.sub(r"0", "d", str(value)); if not re.match(r"^[" + WOL_VALUES + r"]+$", value): log.warn("Incorrect 'wake_on_lan' value.") return None if not sim: self._cmd.execute(["ethtool", "-s", device, "wol", value]) return value @command_get("wake_on_lan") def _get_wake_on_lan(self, device, ignore_missing=False): value = None try: m = re.match(r".*Wake-on:\s*([" + WOL_VALUES + "]+).*", self._cmd.execute(["ethtool", device])[1], re.S) if m: value = except IOError: pass return value @command_set("nf_conntrack_hashsize") def _set_nf_conntrack_hashsize(self, value, sim, remove): if value is None: return None hashsize = int(value) if hashsize >= 0: if not sim: self._cmd.write_to_file(self._nf_conntrack_hashsize_path(), hashsize, \ no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False) return hashsize else: return None @command_get("nf_conntrack_hashsize") def _get_nf_conntrack_hashsize(self): value = self._cmd.read_file(self._nf_conntrack_hashsize_path()) if len(value) > 0: return int(value) return None def _call_ip_link(self, args=[]): if not self._use_ip: return None args = ["ip", "link"] + args (rc, out, err_msg) = self._cmd.execute(args, no_errors=[errno.ENOENT], return_err=True) if rc == -errno.ENOENT: log.warn("ip command not found, ignoring for other devices") self._use_ip = False return None elif rc:"Problem calling ip command") log.debug("(rc: %s, msg: '%s')" % (rc, err_msg)) return None return out def _ip_link_show(self, device=None): args = ["show"] if device: args.append(device) return self._call_ip_link(args) @command_set("txqueuelen", per_device=True) def _set_txqueuelen(self, value, device, sim, remove): if value is None: return None try: int(value) except ValueError: log.warn("txqueuelen value '%s' is not integer" % value) return None if not sim: # there is inconsistency in "ip", where "txqueuelen" is set as it, but is shown as "qlen" res = self._call_ip_link(["set", "dev", device, "txqueuelen", value]) if res is None: log.warn("Cannot set txqueuelen for device '%s'" % device) return None return value def _get_re_ip_link_show(self, arg): """ Return regex for int arg value from "ip link show" command """ if arg not in self._re_ip_link_show: self._re_ip_link_show[arg] = re.compile(r".*\s+%s\s+(\d+)" % arg) return self._re_ip_link_show[arg] @command_get("txqueuelen") def _get_txqueuelen(self, device, ignore_missing=False): out = self._ip_link_show(device) if out is None: if not ignore_missing:"Cannot get 'ip link show' result for txqueuelen value for device '%s'" % device) return None res = self._get_re_ip_link_show("qlen").search(out) if res is None: # We can theoretically get device without qlen ( if not ignore_missing:"Cannot get txqueuelen value from 'ip link show' result for device '%s'" % device) return None return @command_set("mtu", per_device=True) def _set_mtu(self, value, device, sim, remove): if value is None: return None try: int(value) except ValueError: log.warn("mtu value '%s' is not integer" % value) return None if not sim: res = self._call_ip_link(["set", "dev", device, "mtu", value]) if res is None: log.warn("Cannot set mtu for device '%s'" % device) return None return value @command_get("mtu") def _get_mtu(self, device, ignore_missing=False): out = self._ip_link_show(device) if out is None: if not ignore_missing:"Cannot get 'ip link show' result for mtu value for device '%s'" % device) return None res = self._get_re_ip_link_show("mtu").search(out) if res is None: # mtu value should be always present, but it's better to have a test if not ignore_missing:"Cannot get mtu value from 'ip link show' result for device '%s'" % device) return None return # d is dict: {parameter: value} def _check_parameters(self, context, d): if context == "features": return True params = set(d.keys()) supported_getter = { "coalesce": self._get_config_options_coalesce, \ "pause": self._get_config_options_pause, \ "ring": self._get_config_options_ring, \ "channels": self._get_config_options_channels } supported = set(supported_getter[context]().keys()) if not params.issubset(supported): log.error("unknown %s parameter(s): %s" % (context, str(params - supported))) return False return True # parse output of ethtool -a def _parse_pause_parameters(self, s): s = self._cmd.multiple_re_replace(\ {"Autonegotiate": "autoneg", "RX": "rx", "TX": "tx"}, s) l = s.split("\n")[1:] l = [x for x in l if x != '' and not"\[fixed\]", x)] return dict([x for x in [re.split(r":\s*", x) for x in l] if len(x) == 2]) # parse output of ethtool -g def _parse_ring_parameters(self, s): a = re.split(r"^Current hardware settings:$", s, flags=re.MULTILINE) s = a[1] s = self._cmd.multiple_re_replace(\ {"RX": "rx", "RX Mini": "rx-mini", "RX Jumbo": "rx-jumbo", "TX": "tx"}, s) l = s.split("\n") l = [x for x in l if x != ''] l = [x for x in [re.split(r":\s*", x) for x in l] if len(x) == 2] return dict(l) # parse output of ethtool -l def _parse_channels_parameters(self, s): a = re.split(r"^Current hardware settings:$", s, flags=re.MULTILINE) s = a[1] s = self._cmd.multiple_re_replace(\ {"RX": "rx", "TX": "tx", "Other": "other", "Combined": "combined"}, s) l = s.split("\n") l = [x for x in l if x != ''] l = [x for x in [re.split(r":\s*", x) for x in l] if len(x) == 2] return dict(l) def _replace_channels_parameters(self, context, params_list, dev_params): mod_params_list = [] if "combined" in params_list: mod_params_list.extend(["rx", params_list[1], "tx", params_list[1]]) else: cnt = str(max(int(params_list[1]), int(params_list[3]))) mod_params_list.extend(["combined", cnt]) return dict(list(zip(mod_params_list[::2], mod_params_list[1::2]))) def _check_device_support(self, context, parameters, device, dev_params): """Filter unsupported parameters and log warnings about it Positional parameters: context -- context of change parameters -- parameters to change device -- name of device on which should be parameters set dev_params -- dictionary of currently known parameters of device """ supported_parameters = set(dev_params.keys()) parameters_to_change = set(parameters.keys()) # if parameters_to_change contains unsupported parameter(s) then remove # it/them unsupported_parameters = (parameters_to_change - supported_parameters) for param in unsupported_parameters: log.warning("%s parameter %s is not supported by device %s" % ( context, param, device, )) parameters.pop(param, None) def _get_device_parameters(self, context, device): context2opt = { "coalesce": "-c", "features": "-k", "pause": "-a", "ring": "-g", \ "channels": "-l"} opt = context2opt[context] ret, value = self._cmd.execute(["ethtool", opt, device]) if ret != 0 or len(value) == 0: return None context2parser = { "coalesce": self._parse_device_parameters, \ "features": self._parse_device_parameters, \ "pause": self._parse_pause_parameters, \ "ring": self._parse_ring_parameters, \ "channels": self._parse_channels_parameters } parser = context2parser[context] d = parser(value) if context == "coalesce" and not self._check_parameters(context, d): return None return d def _set_device_parameters(self, context, value, device, sim, dev_params = None): if value is None or len(value) == 0: return None d = self._parse_config_parameters(value, context) if d is None or not self._check_parameters(context, d): return {} # check if device supports parameters and filter out unsupported ones if dev_params: self._check_device_support(context, d, device, dev_params) # replace the channel parameters based on the device support if context == "channels" and str(dev_params[next(iter(d))]) in ["n/a", "0"]: d = self._replace_channels_parameters(context, self._cmd.dict2list(d), dev_params) if not sim and len(d) != 0: log.debug("setting %s: %s" % (context, str(d))) context2opt = { "coalesce": "-C", "features": "-K", "pause": "-A", "ring": "-G", \ "channels": "-L"} opt = context2opt[context] # ignore ethtool return code 80, it means parameter is already set self._cmd.execute(["ethtool", opt, device] + self._cmd.dict2list(d), no_errors = [80]) return d def _custom_parameters(self, context, start, value, device, verify): storage_key = self._storage_key( command_name = context, device_name = device) if start: params_current = self._get_device_parameters(context, device) if params_current is None or len(params_current) == 0: return False params_set = self._set_device_parameters(context, value, device, verify, dev_params = params_current) # if none of parameters passed checks then the command completely # failed if params_set is None or len(params_set) == 0: return False relevant_params_current = [(param, value) for param, value in params_current.items() if param in params_set] relevant_params_current = dict(relevant_params_current) if verify: res = (self._cmd.dict2list(params_set) == self._cmd.dict2list(relevant_params_current)) self._log_verification_result(context, res, params_set, relevant_params_current, device = device) return res # saved are only those parameters which passed checks self._storage.set(storage_key, " ".join( self._cmd.dict2list(relevant_params_current))) else: original_value = self._storage.get(storage_key) # in storage are only those parameters which were already tested # so skip check for supported parameters self._set_device_parameters(context, original_value, device, False) return None @command_custom("features", per_device = True) def _features(self, start, value, device, verify, ignore_missing): return self._custom_parameters("features", start, value, device, verify) @command_custom("coalesce", per_device = True) def _coalesce(self, start, value, device, verify, ignore_missing): return self._custom_parameters("coalesce", start, value, device, verify) @command_custom("pause", per_device = True) def _pause(self, start, value, device, verify, ignore_missing): return self._custom_parameters("pause", start, value, device, verify) @command_custom("ring", per_device = True) def _ring(self, start, value, device, verify, ignore_missing): return self._custom_parameters("ring", start, value, device, verify) @command_custom("channels", per_device = True) def _channels(self, start, value, device, verify, ignore_missing): return self._custom_parameters("channels", start, value, device, verify)