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" Vim syntax file " Language: SQL, PL/SQL (Oracle 11g) " Maintainer: Christian Brabandt " Repository: " License: Vim " Previous Maintainer: Paul Moore " Last Change: 2016 Jul 22 " Changes: " 02.04.2016: Support for when keyword " 03.04.2016: Support for join related keywords " 22.07.2016: Support Oracle Q-Quote-Syntax if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case ignore " The SQL reserved words, defined as keywords. syn keyword sqlSpecial false null true syn keyword sqlKeyword access add as asc begin by case check cluster column syn keyword sqlKeyword cache compress connect current cursor decimal default desc syn keyword sqlKeyword else elsif end exception exclusive file for from syn keyword sqlKeyword function group having identified if immediate increment syn keyword sqlKeyword index initial initrans into is level link logging loop syn keyword sqlKeyword maxextents maxtrans mode modify monitoring syn keyword sqlKeyword nocache nocompress nologging noparallel nowait of offline on online start syn keyword sqlKeyword parallel successful synonym table tablespace then to trigger uid syn keyword sqlKeyword unique user validate values view when whenever syn keyword sqlKeyword where with option order pctfree pctused privileges procedure syn keyword sqlKeyword public resource return row rowlabel rownum rows syn keyword sqlKeyword session share size smallint type using syn keyword sqlKeyword join cross inner outer left right syn keyword sqlOperator not and or syn keyword sqlOperator in any some all between exists syn keyword sqlOperator like escape syn keyword sqlOperator union intersect minus syn keyword sqlOperator prior distinct syn keyword sqlOperator sysdate out syn keyword sqlStatement analyze audit comment commit syn keyword sqlStatement delete drop execute explain grant lock noaudit syn keyword sqlStatement rename revoke rollback savepoint set syn keyword sqlStatement truncate " next ones are contained, so folding works. syn keyword sqlStatement create update alter select insert contained syn keyword sqlType boolean char character date float integer long syn keyword sqlType mlslabel number raw rowid varchar varchar2 varray " Strings: syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'\z([^[(<{]\)+ end=+\z1'+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'<+ end=+>'+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'{+ end=+}'+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'(+ end=+)'+ syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'\[+ end=+]'+ " Numbers: syn match sqlNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>" " Comments: syn region sqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=sqlTodo,@Spell fold syn match sqlComment "--.*$" contains=sqlTodo,@Spell " Setup Folding: " this is a hack, to get certain statements folded. " the keywords create/update/alter/select/insert need to " have contained option. syn region sqlFold start='^\s*\zs\c\(Create\|Update\|Alter\|Select\|Insert\)' end=';$\|^$' transparent fold contains=ALL syn sync ccomment sqlComment " Functions: " (Oracle 11g) " Aggregate Functions syn keyword sqlFunction avg collect corr corr_s corr_k count covar_pop covar_samp cume_dist dense_rank first syn keyword sqlFunction group_id grouping grouping_id last max median min percentile_cont percentile_disc percent_rank rank syn keyword sqlFunction regr_slope regr_intercept regr_count regr_r2 regr_avgx regr_avgy regr_sxx regr_syy regr_sxy syn keyword sqlFunction stats_binomial_test stats_crosstab stats_f_test stats_ks_test stats_mode stats_mw_test syn keyword sqlFunction stats_one_way_anova stats_t_test_one stats_t_test_paired stats_t_test_indep stats_t_test_indepu syn keyword sqlFunction stats_wsr_test stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp sum syn keyword sqlFunction sys_xmlagg var_pop var_samp variance xmlagg " Char Functions syn keyword sqlFunction ascii chr concat initcap instr length lower lpad ltrim syn keyword sqlFunction nls_initcap nls_lower nlssort nls_upper regexp_instr regexp_replace syn keyword sqlFunction regexp_substr replace rpad rtrim soundex substr translate treat trim upper " Comparison Functions syn keyword sqlFunction greatest least " Conversion Functions syn keyword sqlFunction asciistr bin_to_num cast chartorowid compose convert syn keyword sqlFunction decompose hextoraw numtodsinterval numtoyminterval rawtohex rawtonhex rowidtochar syn keyword sqlFunction rowidtonchar scn_to_timestamp timestamp_to_scn to_binary_double to_binary_float syn keyword sqlFunction to_char to_char to_char to_clob to_date to_dsinterval to_lob to_multi_byte syn keyword sqlFunction to_nchar to_nchar to_nchar to_nclob to_number to_dsinterval to_single_byte syn keyword sqlFunction to_timestamp to_timestamp_tz to_yminterval to_yminterval translate unistr " DataMining Functions syn keyword sqlFunction cluster_id cluster_probability cluster_set feature_id feature_set syn keyword sqlFunction feature_value prediction prediction_bounds prediction_cost syn keyword sqlFunction prediction_details prediction_probability prediction_set " Datetime Functions syn keyword sqlFunction add_months current_date current_timestamp dbtimezone extract syn keyword sqlFunction from_tz last_day localtimestamp months_between new_time syn keyword sqlFunction next_day numtodsinterval numtoyminterval round sessiontimezone syn keyword sqlFunction sys_extract_utc sysdate systimestamp to_char to_timestamp syn keyword sqlFunction to_timestamp_tz to_dsinterval to_yminterval trunc tz_offset " Numeric Functions syn keyword sqlFunction abs acos asin atan atan2 bitand ceil cos cosh exp syn keyword sqlFunction floor ln log mod nanvl power remainder round sign syn keyword sqlFunction sin sinh sqrt tan tanh trunc width_bucket " NLS Functions syn keyword sqlFunction ls_charset_decl_len nls_charset_id nls_charset_name " Various Functions syn keyword sqlFunction bfilename cardin coalesce collect decode dump empty_blob empty_clob syn keyword sqlFunction lnnvl nullif nvl nvl2 ora_hash powermultiset powermultiset_by_cardinality syn keyword sqlFunction sys_connect_by_path sys_context sys_guid sys_typeid uid user userenv vsizeality " XML Functions syn keyword sqlFunction appendchildxml deletexml depth extract existsnode extractvalue insertchildxml syn keyword sqlFunction insertxmlbefore path sys_dburigen sys_xmlagg sys_xmlgen updatexml xmlagg xmlcast syn keyword sqlFunction xmlcdata xmlcolattval xmlcomment xmlconcat xmldiff xmlelement xmlexists xmlforest syn keyword sqlFunction xmlparse xmlpatch xmlpi xmlquery xmlroot xmlsequence xmlserialize xmltable xmltransform " Todo: syn keyword sqlTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE contained " Define the default highlighting. hi def link Quote Special hi def link sqlComment Comment hi def link sqlFunction Function hi def link sqlKeyword sqlSpecial hi def link sqlNumber Number hi def link sqlOperator sqlStatement hi def link sqlSpecial Special hi def link sqlStatement Statement hi def link sqlString String hi def link sqlType Type hi def link sqlTodo Todo let b:current_syntax = "sql" " vim: ts=8