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" Language: TT2 (Perl Template Toolkit) " Maintainer: vim-perl <> " Author: Moriki, Atsushi <> " Homepage: " Bugs/requests: " Last Change: 2015-04-25 " " Installation: " put tt2.vim and tt2html.vim in to your syntax directory. " " add below in your filetype.vim. " au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt2 setf tt2 " or " au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt2 " \ if ( getline(1) . getline(2) . getline(3) =~ '<\chtml' | " \ && getline(1) . getline(2) . getline(3) !~ '<[%?]' ) | " \ || getline(1) =~ '<!DOCTYPE HTML' | " \ setf tt2html | " \ else | " \ setf tt2 | " \ endif " " define START_TAG, END_TAG " "ASP" " :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '<% %>' " "PHP" " :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '<? ?>' " "TT2 and HTML" " :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '\[% %] <!-- -->' " " Changes: " 0.1.3 " Changed fileformat from 'dos' to 'unix' " Deleted 'echo' that print obstructive message " 0.1.2 " Added block comment syntax " e.g. [%# COMMENT " COMMENT TOO %] " [%# IT'S SAFE %] HERE IS OUTSIDE OF TT2 DIRECTIVE " [% # WRONG!! %] HERE STILL BE COMMENT " 0.1.1 " Release " 0.1.0 " Internal " " License: follow Vim :help uganda " if !exists("b:tt2_syn_tags") let b:tt2_syn_tags = '\[% %]' "let b:tt2_syn_tags = '\[% %] \[\* \*]' endif if !exists("b:tt2_syn_inc_perl") let b:tt2_syn_inc_perl = 1 endif if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim syn case match syn cluster tt2_top_cluster contains=tt2_perlcode,tt2_tag_region " TT2 TAG Region if exists("b:tt2_syn_tags") let s:str = b:tt2_syn_tags . ' ' let s:str = substitute(s:str,'^ \+','','g') let s:str = substitute(s:str,' \+',' ','g') while stridx(s:str,' ') > 0 let s:st = strpart(s:str,0,stridx(s:str,' ')) let s:str = substitute(s:str,'[^ ]* ','',"") let s:ed = strpart(s:str,0,stridx(s:str,' ')) let s:str = substitute(s:str,'[^ ]* ','',"") exec 'syn region tt2_tag_region '. \ 'matchgroup=tt2_tag '. \ 'start=+\(' . s:st .'\)[-]\=+ '. \ 'end=+[-]\=\(' . s:ed . '\)+ '. \ 'contains=@tt2_statement_cluster keepend extend' exec 'syn region tt2_commentblock_region '. \ 'matchgroup=tt2_tag '. \ 'start=+\(' . s:st .'\)[-]\=\(#\)\@=+ '. \ 'end=+[-]\=\(' . s:ed . '\)+ '. \ 'keepend extend' "Include Perl syntax when 'PERL' 'RAWPERL' block if b:tt2_syn_inc_perl syn include @Perl $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/perl.vim exec 'syn region tt2_perlcode '. \ 'start=+\(\(RAW\)\=PERL\s*[-]\=' . s:ed . '\(\n\)\=\)\@<=+ ' . \ 'end=+' . s:st . '[-]\=\s*END+me=s-1 contains=@Perl keepend' endif "echo 'TAGS ' . s:st . ' ' . s:ed unlet s:st unlet s:ed endwhile else syn region tt2_tag_region \ matchgroup=tt2_tag \ start=+\(\[%\)[-]\=+ \ end=+[-]\=%\]+ \ contains=@tt2_statement_cluster keepend extend syn region tt2_commentblock_region \ matchgroup=tt2_tag \ start=+\(\[%\)[-]\=#+ \ end=+[-]\=%\]+ \ keepend extend "Include Perl syntax when 'PERL' 'RAWPERL' block if b:tt2_syn_inc_perl syn include @Perl $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/perl.vim syn region tt2_perlcode \ start=+\(\(RAW\)\=PERL\s*[-]\=%]\(\n\)\=\)\@<=+ \ end=+\[%[-]\=\s*END+me=s-1 \ contains=@Perl keepend endif endif " Directive syn keyword tt2_directive contained \ GET CALL SET DEFAULT DEBUG \ LAST NEXT BREAK STOP BLOCK \ IF IN UNLESS ELSIF FOR FOREACH WHILE SWITCH CASE \ USE PLUGIN MACRO META \ TRY FINAL RETURN LAST \ CLEAR TO STEP AND OR NOT MOD DIV \ ELSE PERL RAWPERL END syn match tt2_directive +|+ contained syn keyword tt2_directive contained nextgroup=tt2_string_q,tt2_string_qq,tt2_blockname skipwhite skipempty \ INSERT INCLUDE PROCESS WRAPPER FILTER \ THROW CATCH syn keyword tt2_directive contained nextgroup=tt2_def_tag skipwhite skipempty \ TAGS syn match tt2_def_tag "\S\+\s\+\S\+\|\<\w\+\>" contained syn match tt2_variable +\I\w*+ contained syn match tt2_operator "[+*/%:?-]" contained syn match tt2_operator "\<\(mod\|div\|or\|and\|not\)\>" contained syn match tt2_operator "[!=<>]=\=\|&&\|||" contained syn match tt2_operator "\(\s\)\@<=_\(\s\)\@=" contained syn match tt2_operator "=>\|," contained syn match tt2_deref "\([[:alnum:]_)\]}]\s*\)\@<=\." contained syn match tt2_comment +#.*$+ contained extend syn match tt2_func +\<\I\w*\(\s*(\)\@=+ contained nextgroup=tt2_bracket_r skipempty skipwhite " syn region tt2_bracket_r start=+(+ end=+)+ contained contains=@tt2_statement_cluster keepend extend syn region tt2_bracket_b start=+\[+ end=+]+ contained contains=@tt2_statement_cluster keepend extend syn region tt2_bracket_b start=+{+ end=+}+ contained contains=@tt2_statement_cluster keepend extend syn region tt2_string_qq start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\"+ contained contains=tt2_ivariable keepend extend syn region tt2_string_q start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\'+ contained keepend extend syn match tt2_ivariable +\$\I\w*\>\(\.\I\w*\>\)*+ contained syn match tt2_ivariable +\${\I\w*\>\(\.\I\w*\>\)*}+ contained syn match tt2_number "\d\+" contained syn match tt2_number "\d\+\.\d\+" contained syn match tt2_number "0x\x\+" contained syn match tt2_number "0\o\+" contained syn match tt2_blockname "\f\+" contained nextgroup=tt2_blockname_joint skipwhite skipempty syn match tt2_blockname "$\w\+" contained contains=tt2_ivariable nextgroup=tt2_blockname_joint skipwhite skipempty syn region tt2_blockname start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\"+ contained contains=tt2_ivariable nextgroup=tt2_blockname_joint keepend skipwhite skipempty syn region tt2_blockname start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\'+ contained nextgroup=tt2_blockname_joint keepend skipwhite skipempty syn match tt2_blockname_joint "+" contained nextgroup=tt2_blockname skipwhite skipempty syn cluster tt2_statement_cluster contains=tt2_directive,tt2_variable,tt2_operator,tt2_string_q,tt2_string_qq,tt2_deref,tt2_comment,tt2_func,tt2_bracket_b,tt2_bracket_r,tt2_number " Synchronizing syn sync minlines=50 hi def link tt2_tag Type hi def link tt2_tag_region Type hi def link tt2_commentblock_region Comment hi def link tt2_directive Statement hi def link tt2_variable Identifier hi def link tt2_ivariable Identifier hi def link tt2_operator Statement hi def link tt2_string_qq String hi def link tt2_string_q String hi def link tt2_blockname String hi def link tt2_comment Comment hi def link tt2_func Function hi def link tt2_number Number if exists("b:tt2_syn_tags") unlet b:tt2_syn_tags endif let b:current_syntax = "tt2" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:ts=4:sw=4