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" Vim indent file " Language: Vim script " Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <> " Last Change: 2016 Jun 27 " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=GetVimIndent() setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=cat,=fina,=END,0\\ let b:undo_indent = "setl indentkeys< indentexpr<" " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetVimIndent") finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim function GetVimIndent() let ignorecase_save = &ignorecase try let &ignorecase = 0 return GetVimIndentIntern() finally let &ignorecase = ignorecase_save endtry endfunc function GetVimIndentIntern() " Find a non-blank line above the current line. let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) " If the current line doesn't start with '\' and below a line that starts " with '\', use the indent of the line above it. let cur_text = getline(v:lnum) if cur_text !~ '^\s*\\' while lnum > 0 && getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*\\' let lnum = lnum - 1 endwhile endif " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 return 0 endif let prev_text = getline(lnum) " Add a 'shiftwidth' after :if, :while, :try, :catch, :finally, :function " and :else. Add it three times for a line that starts with '\' after " a line that doesn't (or g:vim_indent_cont if it exists). let ind = indent(lnum) if cur_text =~ '^\s*\\' && v:lnum > 1 && prev_text !~ '^\s*\\' if exists("g:vim_indent_cont") let ind = ind + g:vim_indent_cont else let ind = ind + shiftwidth() * 3 endif elseif prev_text =~ '^\s*aug\%[roup]\s\+' && prev_text !~ '^\s*aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\>' let ind = ind + shiftwidth() else " A line starting with :au does not increment/decrement indent. if prev_text !~ '^\s*au\%[tocmd]' let i = match(prev_text, '\(^\||\)\s*\(if\|wh\%[ile]\|for\|try\|cat\%[ch]\|fina\%[lly]\|fu\%[nction]\|el\%[seif]\)\>') if i >= 0 let ind += shiftwidth() if strpart(prev_text, i, 1) == '|' && has('syntax_items') \ && synIDattr(synID(lnum, i, 1), "name") =~ '\(Comment\|String\)$' let ind -= shiftwidth() endif endif endif endif " If the previous line contains an "end" after a pipe, but not in an ":au" " command. And not when there is a backslash before the pipe. " And when syntax HL is enabled avoid a match inside a string. let i = match(prev_text, '[^\\]|\s*\(ene\@!\)') if i > 0 && prev_text !~ '^\s*au\%[tocmd]' if !has('syntax_items') || synIDattr(synID(lnum, i + 2, 1), "name") !~ '\(Comment\|String\)$' let ind = ind - shiftwidth() endif endif " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on a :endif, :endwhile, :catch, :finally, :endtry, " :endfun, :else and :augroup END. if cur_text =~ '^\s*\(ene\@!\|cat\|fina\|el\|aug\%[roup]\s\+[eE][nN][dD]\)' let ind = ind - shiftwidth() endif return ind endfunction let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:sw=2