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/* ******************************************************************************* * * © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. * License & terms of use: * ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * file name: GDIFontInstance.cpp * * created on: 08/09/2000 * created by: Eric R. Mader */ #include <windows.h> #include "layout/LETypes.h" #include "layout/LESwaps.h" #include "layout/LEFontInstance.h" #include "GDIFontInstance.h" #include "sfnt.h" #include "cmaps.h" GDISurface::GDISurface(HDC theHDC) : fHdc(theHDC), fCurrentFont(NULL) { // nothing else to do } GDISurface::~GDISurface() { // nothing to do } void GDISurface::setHDC(HDC theHDC) { fHdc = theHDC; fCurrentFont = NULL; } void GDISurface::setFont(const GDIFontInstance *font) { #if 0 if (fCurrentFont != font) { fCurrentFont = font; SelectObject(fHdc, font->getFont()); } #else SelectObject(fHdc, font->getFont()); #endif } void GDISurface::drawGlyphs(const LEFontInstance *font, const LEGlyphID *glyphs, le_int32 count, const float *positions, le_int32 x, le_int32 y, le_int32 width, le_int32 height) { TTGlyphID *ttGlyphs = LE_NEW_ARRAY(TTGlyphID, count); le_int32 *dx = LE_NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, count); float *ps = LE_NEW_ARRAY(float, count * 2 + 2); le_int32 out = 0; RECT clip; = 0; clip.left = 0; clip.bottom = height; clip.right = width; for (le_int32 g = 0; g < count; g += 1) { TTGlyphID ttGlyph = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphs[g]); if (ttGlyph < 0xFFFE) { ttGlyphs[out] = ttGlyph; dx[out] = (le_int32) (positions[g * 2 + 2] - positions[g * 2]); ps[out * 2] = positions[g * 2]; ps[out * 2 + 1] = positions[g * 2 + 1]; out += 1; } } le_int32 dyStart, dyEnd; setFont((GDIFontInstance *) font); dyStart = dyEnd = 0; while (dyEnd < out) { float yOffset = ps[dyStart * 2 + 1]; float xOffset = ps[dyStart * 2]; while (dyEnd < out && yOffset == ps[dyEnd * 2 + 1]) { dyEnd += 1; } ExtTextOut(fHdc, x + (le_int32) xOffset, y + (le_int32) yOffset - font->getAscent(), ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, &clip, (LPCWSTR) &ttGlyphs[dyStart], dyEnd - dyStart, (INT *) &dx[dyStart]); dyStart = dyEnd; } LE_DELETE_ARRAY(ps); LE_DELETE_ARRAY(dx); LE_DELETE_ARRAY(ttGlyphs); } GDIFontInstance::GDIFontInstance(GDISurface *surface, TCHAR *faceName, le_int16 pointSize, LEErrorCode &status) : FontTableCache(), fSurface(surface), fFont(NULL), fPointSize(pointSize), fUnitsPerEM(0), fAscent(0), fDescent(0), fLeading(0), fDeviceScaleX(1), fDeviceScaleY(1), fMapper(NULL) { LOGFONT lf; FLOAT dpiX, dpiY; POINT pt; OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; HDC hdc = surface->getHDC(); if (LE_FAILURE(status)) { return; } SaveDC(hdc); SetGraphicsMode(hdc, GM_ADVANCED); ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, NULL, MWT_IDENTITY); SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL); SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL); dpiX = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); dpiY = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); #if 1 pt.x = (int) (pointSize * dpiX / 72); pt.y = (int) (pointSize * dpiY / 72); DPtoLP(hdc, &pt, 1); #else pt.x = pt.y = pointSize; #endif lf.lfHeight = - pt.y; lf.lfWidth = 0; lf.lfEscapement = 0; lf.lfOrientation = 0; lf.lfWeight = 0; lf.lfItalic = 0; lf.lfUnderline = 0; lf.lfStrikeOut = 0; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = 0; lf.lfClipPrecision = 0; lf.lfQuality = 0; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0; lstrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, faceName); fFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (fFont == NULL) { status = LE_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR; return; } SelectObject(hdc, fFont); UINT ret = GetOutlineTextMetrics(hdc, sizeof otm, &otm); if (ret == 0) { status = LE_MISSING_FONT_TABLE_ERROR; goto restore; } fUnitsPerEM = otm.otmEMSquare; fAscent = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmAscent; fDescent = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmDescent; fLeading = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmExternalLeading; status = initMapper(); if (LE_FAILURE(status)) { goto restore; } #if 0 status = initFontTableCache(); #endif restore: RestoreDC(hdc, -1); } GDIFontInstance::GDIFontInstance(GDISurface *surface, const char *faceName, le_int16 pointSize, LEErrorCode &status) : FontTableCache(), fSurface(surface), fFont(NULL), fPointSize(pointSize), fUnitsPerEM(0), fAscent(0), fDescent(0), fLeading(0), fDeviceScaleX(1), fDeviceScaleY(1), fMapper(NULL) { LOGFONTA lf; FLOAT dpiX, dpiY; POINT pt; OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; HDC hdc = surface->getHDC(); if (LE_FAILURE(status)) { return; } SaveDC(hdc); SetGraphicsMode(hdc, GM_ADVANCED); ModifyWorldTransform(hdc, NULL, MWT_IDENTITY); SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL); SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, NULL); dpiX = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); dpiY = (FLOAT) GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); fDeviceScaleX = dpiX / 72; fDeviceScaleY = dpiY / 72; #if 1 pt.x = (int) (pointSize * fDeviceScaleX); pt.y = (int) (pointSize * fDeviceScaleY); DPtoLP(hdc, &pt, 1); #else pt.x = pt.y = pointSize; #endif lf.lfHeight = - pt.y; lf.lfWidth = 0; lf.lfEscapement = 0; lf.lfOrientation = 0; lf.lfWeight = 0; lf.lfItalic = 0; lf.lfUnderline = 0; lf.lfStrikeOut = 0; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = 0; lf.lfClipPrecision = 0; lf.lfQuality = 0; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0; strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, faceName); fFont = CreateFontIndirectA(&lf); if (fFont == NULL) { status = LE_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR; return; } SelectObject(hdc, fFont); UINT ret = GetOutlineTextMetrics(hdc, sizeof otm, &otm); if (ret != 0) { fUnitsPerEM = otm.otmEMSquare; fAscent = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmAscent; fDescent = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmDescent; fLeading = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmExternalLeading; } else { const HEADTable *headTable = NULL; const HHEATable *hheaTable = NULL; // read unitsPerEm from 'head' table headTable = (const HEADTable *) readFontTable(LE_HEAD_TABLE_TAG); if (headTable == NULL) { status = LE_MISSING_FONT_TABLE_ERROR; goto restore; } fUnitsPerEM = SWAPW(headTable->unitsPerEm); freeFontTable((const void *)headTable); hheaTable = (HHEATable *) readFontTable(LE_HHEA_TABLE_TAG); if (hheaTable == NULL) { status = LE_MISSING_FONT_TABLE_ERROR; goto restore; } fAscent = (le_int32) yUnitsToPoints((float) SWAPW(hheaTable->ascent)); fDescent = (le_int32) yUnitsToPoints((float) SWAPW(hheaTable->descent)); fLeading = (le_int32) yUnitsToPoints((float) SWAPW(hheaTable->lineGap)); freeFontTable((const void *) hheaTable); } status = initMapper(); if (LE_FAILURE(status)) { goto restore; } #if 0 status = initFontTableCache(); #endif restore: RestoreDC(hdc, -1); } GDIFontInstance::~GDIFontInstance() { #if 0 flushFontTableCache(); delete[] fTableCache; #endif if (fFont != NULL) { // FIXME: call RemoveObject first? DeleteObject(fFont); } delete fMapper; fMapper = NULL; } LEErrorCode GDIFontInstance::initMapper() { LETag cmapTag = LE_CMAP_TABLE_TAG; const CMAPTable *cmap = (const CMAPTable *) readFontTable(cmapTag); if (cmap == NULL) { return LE_MISSING_FONT_TABLE_ERROR; } fMapper = CMAPMapper::createUnicodeMapper(cmap); if (fMapper == NULL) { return LE_MISSING_FONT_TABLE_ERROR; } return LE_NO_ERROR; } const void *GDIFontInstance::getFontTable(LETag tableTag) const { return FontTableCache::find(tableTag); } const void *GDIFontInstance::readFontTable(LETag tableTag) const { fSurface->setFont(this); HDC hdc = fSurface->getHDC(); DWORD stag = SWAPL(tableTag); DWORD len = GetFontData(hdc, stag, 0, NULL, 0); void *result = NULL; if (len != GDI_ERROR) { result = LE_NEW_ARRAY(char, len); GetFontData(hdc, stag, 0, result, len); } return result; } void GDIFontInstance::getGlyphAdvance(LEGlyphID glyph, LEPoint &advance) const { advance.fX = 0; advance.fY = 0; if (glyph == 0xFFFE || glyph == 0xFFFF) { return; } GLYPHMETRICS metrics; DWORD result; MAT2 identity = {{0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}}; HDC hdc = fSurface->getHDC(); fSurface->setFont(this); result = GetGlyphOutline(hdc, glyph, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | GGO_METRICS, &metrics, 0, NULL, &identity); if (result == GDI_ERROR) { return; } advance.fX = metrics.gmCellIncX; return; } le_bool GDIFontInstance::getGlyphPoint(LEGlyphID glyph, le_int32 pointNumber, LEPoint &point) const { #if 0 hsFixedPoint2 pt; le_bool result; result = fFontInstance->getGlyphPoint(glyph, pointNumber, pt); if (result) { point.fX = xUnitsToPoints(pt.fX); point.fY = yUnitsToPoints(pt.fY); } return result; #else return FALSE; #endif }