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Binc IMAP ========= *WARNING: Badly done migration will cause your IMAP and/or POP3 clients to re-download all mails. Read <Migration.txt> page first carefully.* If you're using only Binc IMAP, it's possible to do a transparent Dovecot migration. Binc IMAP v1.2 and later ------------------------ attempts to do as perfect migration as possible. Basically it reads Binc's uidlist files from the specified maildir and it's (sub-)folders and generates 'dovecot-uidlist' files out of them. It also converts Binc's subscription file. This script hasn't been tested with Binc IMAP< 1.2. If Binc has been used with the IMAPdir depot format, it need to be converted to Maildir++ with the script IMAPdir2Maildir++ before running IMAPdir2Maildir++ ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash # BINC mailbox definition for the example parameters below # Mailbox { # depot = "IMAPdir", # type = "Maildir", # path = "Maildir", # } # # Parameters: set according to your local system settings # # Path to the IMAPdir IMAPdirName="${1}/Maildir" # Path to the new Maildir++ directory maildirName="${1}/Maildir" # Name used for the inbox with IMAPdir inboxName="INBOX" # the character . is invalid for Maildir++ # What string shall it be replaced with? dotReplacementString="_cdot_" # # Below here nothing should need to be adjusted # # Initialise some variables and settings shopt -s dotglob orgDir=$(pwd) # loop through all file names according to the pattern in $FILES cd $IMAPdirName FILES="*" for file in $FILES do # Skip over Maildir++ directories if [[ ${file:0:1} = "." && -e ${file}/maildirfolder ]] then continue fi # Skip over non-directory file names if [[ ! -d $file ]] then continue fi # Move INBOX contents according to Maildir++ specification if [[ $file = $inboxName ]] then mv ${file}/* $maildirName rmdir $file continue fi # create Maildir++ compliant new folder name newFile=${file//\\\\/\\} newFile=${newFile//\\./$dotReplacementString} newFile=${newFile/#./$dotReplacementString} newFile=.$newFile # rename folder name according to Maildir++ specification & add maildirfolder file mv "$file" "${maildirName}/$newFile" owner=$(stat -c %u "${maildirName}/$newFile") group=$(stat -c %g "${maildirName}/$newFile") touch "${maildirName}/$newFile/maildirfolder" chown $owner:$group "${maildirName}/$newFile/maildirfolder" chmod 600 "${maildirName}/$newFile/maildirfolder" done # Adapt subscriptions file mv .bincimap-subscribed "${maildirName}/.bincimap-subscribed" sed -i "s/\./$dotReplacementString/g" "${maildirName}/.bincimap-subscribed" # Return to original working directory cd $orgDir ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: ./IMAPdir2Maildir++ /path/to/user ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::File; use IO::Dir; use File::stat; use File::Basename; use strict; ### Parameters to adapt to local cofiguration # Name of the Maildir++ directory relative to the path passed as argument my $mailbox = $ARGV[0]."/Maildir"; # Name space used by BINC for private folders, with IMAPdir often = "" our $namespace = "INBOX."; ### Nothing should need to be changed below here our $indent = 0; die("Mailbox doesn't exist") if (!-d $mailbox); parse_mailbox($mailbox); # Sanity check for namespace my $subscriptionsSize = -s $mailbox.'/subscriptions'; if ($subscriptionsSize == 0) { print $/; print $/; print "WARNING: Your new subscriptions file is empty. Are you using the correct namespace? If not re-run script with correct namespace parameter.", $/; } sub parse_mailbox { my ($mailbox) = @_; print " " x $indent, "Parsing ", $mailbox, " ...", $/; $indent += 2; my $mb = IO::Dir->new($mailbox) or die("Unable to open mailbox $mailbox"); while(my $file = $mb->read()) { my $absfile = $mailbox."/".$file; next if ($file eq "." || $file eq ".."); if ($file eq ".bincimap-subscribed" && -f $absfile) { convert_subscribtions($absfile); } elsif ($file eq "bincimap-cache" && -f $absfile) { convert_cache($absfile); } elsif (substr($file, 0, 1) eq "." && -d $absfile && -e $absfile."/maildirfolder") { parse_mailbox($absfile); } } $mb->close(); $indent -= 2; return 1; } sub convert_cache { my ($infile) = @_; my $dir = dirname($infile); my %uids = (); print " " x $indent, "Converting cache...", $/; my $in = IO::File->new("<".$infile) or die("Unable to open cache file $infile"); my ($blockopen, $uid) = (0, 0); my $id = ""; while(my $line = $in->getline()) { if ($line =~ /^\d+\s{$/) { $blockopen = 1; $uid = 0; $id = ""; next; } elsif ($blockopen && $line =~ /^}$/) { $blockopen = 0; next; } elsif ($blockopen && $line =~ /^\t_UID\s=\s(\d+),?$/) { $uid = $1; } elsif ($blockopen && $line =~ /^\t_ID\s=\s"?(.*?)"?,?$/) { $id = $1; } if ($uid > 0 && length($id) > 0) { $uids{$uid} = $id; $uid = 0; $id = ""; next; } } $in->close(); if (scalar(keys(%uids)) <= 0) { print " " x $indent, "Empty uidlist. Skipping...", $/; return 1; } my $uidvalfile = $dir."/bincimap-uidvalidity"; my ($uidvalidity, $uidnext) = (0, 0); die("Error: File $uidvalfile doesn't exist") if (!-f $uidvalfile); $in = IO::File->new("<".$uidvalfile) or die("Unable to open file: $uidvalfile"); while(my $line = $in->getline()) { if ($line =~ /^\t_uidvalidity\s=\s(\d+),?$/) { $uidvalidity = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^\t_uidnext\s=\s(\d+),?$/) { $uidnext = $1; } } $in->close(); die("Error: either uidnext ($uidnext) or uidvalidity ($uidvalidity) is invalid") if ($uidnext <= 0 || $uidvalidity <= 0); my $version = 1; my $outfile = $dir."/dovecot-uidlist";; my $out = IO::File->new(">".$outfile) or die("Unable to create cache file $outfile"); $out->print($version, " ", $uidvalidity, " ", $uidnext, $/); foreach my $uid (sort{$a <=> $b} (keys(%uids))) { $out->print($uid, " ", $uids{$uid}, $/); } $out->close(); my $stat = stat($infile); chown($stat->uid, $stat->gid, $outfile); chmod(0600, $outfile); return 1; } sub convert_subscribtions { my ($infile) = @_; my $dir = dirname($infile); my @cache = (); print " " x $indent, "Converting subscriptions...", $/; my $in = IO::File->new("<".$infile) or die("Unable to open file: $infile"); while(my $line = $in->getline()) { next if ($line !~ /^$namespace/); $line =~ s/^$namespace?//; $line =~ s/\n$//; $line =~ s/\r$//; $line =~ s/\//\./g; next if (length($line) <= 0); next if (!-d $dir."/.".$line); push(@cache, $line) if (scalar(grep{$_ eq $line}(@cache)) <= 0); } $in->close(); my $outfile = $dir."/subscriptions"; my $out = IO::File->new(">".$outfile) or die("Unable to create subscriptions file: $outfile"); foreach my $subscription (@cache) { $out->print($subscription, $/); } $out->close(); my $stat = stat($infile); chown($stat->uid, $stat->gid, $outfile); chmod(0600, $outfile); return 1; } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: ./ /path/to/user NOTE: /path/to/user/Maildir MUST exist. If "./Maildir" isn't your default maildir-name, you can edit this at the top of the script. ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 1: # find /var/pop -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec /path/to/ {} \; Example 2: # find /usr/local/vpopmail/domains -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -exec /path/to/ {} \; ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dovecot configuration --------------------- Binc IMAP by default uses "INBOX/" as the IMAP namespace for private mailboxes. If you want a transparent migration, you'll need to configure Dovecot to use a namespace with "INBOX/" prefix as well. ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir namespace { separator = / prefix = INBOX/ inbox = yes } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manual conversion ----------------- * Binc's '.bincimap-subscribed' file is compatible with Dovecot's 'subscriptions' file, but you need to remove the "INBOX/" prefixes from the mailboxes. * Binc's 'bincimap-cache + bincimap-uidvalidity' are NOT compatible with Dovecot's 'dovecot-uidlist' file. See file format documention or above script for conversion. * Binc's message flags are compatible with Dovecot (as they are specified by the Maildir specification) (This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)