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" Vim syntax file " Language: BibTeX (bibliographic database format for (La)TeX) " Maintainer: Bernd Feige <> " Filenames: *.bib " Last Change: 2017 Sep 29 " Thanks to those who pointed out problems with this file or supplied fixes! " Initialization " ============== " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Ignore case syn case ignore " Keywords " ======== syn keyword bibType contained article book booklet conference inbook syn keyword bibType contained incollection inproceedings manual syn keyword bibType contained mastersthesis misc phdthesis syn keyword bibType contained proceedings techreport unpublished syn keyword bibType contained string preamble syn keyword bibEntryKw contained address annote author booktitle chapter syn keyword bibEntryKw contained crossref edition editor howpublished syn keyword bibEntryKw contained institution journal key month note syn keyword bibEntryKw contained number organization pages publisher syn keyword bibEntryKw contained school series title type volume year " biblatex keywords, cf. syn keyword bibType contained mvbook bookinbook suppbook collection mvcollection suppcollection syn keyword bibType contained online patent periodical suppperiodical mvproceedings reference syn keyword bibType contained mvreference inreference report set thesis xdata customa customb syn keyword bibType contained customc customd custome customf electronic www artwork audio bibnote syn keyword bibType contained commentary image jurisdiction legislation legal letter movie music syn keyword bibType contained performance review software standard video syn keyword bibEntryKw contained abstract isbn issn keywords url syn keyword bibEntryKw contained addendum afterwordannotation annotation annotator authortype syn keyword bibEntryKw contained bookauthor bookpagination booksubtitle booktitleaddon syn keyword bibEntryKw contained commentator date doi editora editorb editorc editortype syn keyword bibEntryKw contained editoratype editorbtype editorctype eid entrysubtype syn keyword bibEntryKw contained eprint eprintclass eprinttype eventdate eventtitle syn keyword bibEntryKw contained eventtitleaddon file foreword holder indextitle syn keyword bibEntryKw contained introduction isan ismn isrn issue issuesubtitle syn keyword bibEntryKw contained issuetitle iswc journalsubtitle journaltitle label syn keyword bibEntryKw contained language library location mainsubtitle maintitle syn keyword bibEntryKw contained maintitleaddon nameaddon origdate origlanguage syn keyword bibEntryKw contained origlocation origpublisher origtitle pagetotal syn keyword bibEntryKw contained pagination part pubstate reprinttitle shortauthor syn keyword bibEntryKw contained shorteditor shorthand shorthandintro shortjournal syn keyword bibEntryKw contained shortseries shorttitle subtitle titleaddon translator syn keyword bibEntryKw contained urldate venue version volumes entryset execute gender syn keyword bibEntryKw contained langid langidopts ids indexsorttitle options presort syn keyword bibEntryKw contained related relatedoptions relatedtype relatedstring syn keyword bibEntryKw contained sortkey sortname sortshorthand sorttitle sortyear xdata syn keyword bibEntryKw contained xref namea nameb namec nameatype namebtype namectype syn keyword bibEntryKw contained lista listb listc listd liste listf usera userb userc syn keyword bibEntryKw contained userd usere userf verba verbb verbc archiveprefix pdf syn keyword bibEntryKw contained primaryclass " Non-standard: " AMS mref syn keyword bibNSEntryKw contained mrclass mrnumber mrreviewer fjournal coden " Clusters " ======== syn cluster bibVarContents contains=bibUnescapedSpecial,bibBrace,bibParen,bibMath " This cluster is empty but things can be added externally: "syn cluster bibCommentContents " Matches " ======= syn match bibUnescapedSpecial contained /[^\\][%&]/hs=s+1 syn match bibKey contained /\s*[^ \t}="]\+,/hs=s,he=e-1 nextgroup=bibField syn match bibVariable contained /[^{}," \t=]/ syn region bibComment start=/./ end=/^\s*@/me=e-1 contains=@bibCommentContents nextgroup=bibEntry syn region bibMath contained start=/\(\\\)\@<!\$/ end=/\$/ skip=/\(\\\$\)/ syn region bibQuote contained start=/"/ end=/"/ skip=/\(\\"\)/ contains=@bibVarContents syn region bibBrace contained start=/{/ end=/}/ skip=/\(\\[{}]\)/ contains=@bibVarContents syn region bibParen contained start=/(/ end=/)/ skip=/\(\\[()]\)/ contains=@bibVarContents syn region bibField contained start="\S\+\s*=\s*" end=/[}),]/me=e-1 contains=bibEntryKw,bibNSEntryKw,bibBrace,bibParen,bibQuote,bibVariable syn region bibEntryData contained start=/[{(]/ms=e+1 end=/[})]/me=e-1 contains=bibKey,bibField,bibComment3 " Actually, 5.8 <= Vim < 6.0 would ignore the `fold' keyword anyway, but Vim<5.8 would produce " an error, so we explicitly distinguish versions with and without folding functionality: syn region bibEntry start=/@\S\+\s*[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/ transparent fold contains=bibType,bibEntryData nextgroup=bibComment syn region bibComment2 start=/@Comment\s*[{(]/ end=/^\s*[})]/me=e-1 contains=@bibCommentContents nextgroup=bibEntry " biblatex style comments inside a bibEntry syn match bibComment3 "%.*" " Synchronization " =============== syn sync match All grouphere bibEntry /^\s*@/ syn sync maxlines=200 syn sync minlines=50 " Highlighting defaults " ===================== " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link bibType Identifier hi def link bibEntryKw Statement hi def link bibNSEntryKw PreProc hi def link bibKey Special hi def link bibVariable Constant hi def link bibUnescapedSpecial Error hi def link bibComment Comment hi def link bibComment2 Comment hi def link bibComment3 Comment let b:current_syntax = "bib" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save