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" Vim indent file " Language: Bazel ( " Maintainer: David Barnett ( " Last Change: 2017 Jun 13 if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif " Load base python indent. if !exists('*GetPythonIndent') runtime! indent/python.vim endif let b:did_indent = 1 " Only enable bzl google indent if python google indent is enabled. if !get(g:, 'no_google_python_indent') setlocal indentexpr=GetBzlIndent(v:lnum) endif if exists('*GetBzlIndent') finish endif let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo-=C " Maximum number of lines to look backwards. let s:maxoff = 50 "" " Determine the correct indent level given an {lnum} in the current buffer. function GetBzlIndent(lnum) abort let l:use_recursive_indent = !get(g:, 'no_google_python_recursive_indent') if l:use_recursive_indent " Backup and override indent setting variables. if exists('g:pyindent_nested_paren') let l:pyindent_nested_paren = g:pyindent_nested_paren endif if exists('g:pyindent_open_paren') let l:pyindent_open_paren = g:pyindent_open_paren endif let g:pyindent_nested_paren = 'shiftwidth() * 2' let g:pyindent_open_paren = 'shiftwidth() * 2' endif let l:indent = -1 " Indent inside parens. " Align with the open paren unless it is at the end of the line. " E.g. " open_paren_not_at_EOL(100, " (200, " 300), " 400) " open_paren_at_EOL( " 100, 200, 300, 400) call cursor(a:lnum, 1) let [l:par_line, l:par_col] = searchpairpos('(\|{\|\[', '', ')\|}\|\]', 'bW', \ "line('.') < " . (a:lnum - s:maxoff) . " ? dummy :" . \ " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')" . \ " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'") if l:par_line > 0 call cursor(l:par_line, 1) if l:par_col != col('$') - 1 let l:indent = l:par_col endif endif " Delegate the rest to the original function. if l:indent == -1 let l:indent = GetPythonIndent(a:lnum) endif if l:use_recursive_indent " Restore global variables. if exists('l:pyindent_nested_paren') let g:pyindent_nested_paren = l:pyindent_nested_paren else unlet g:pyindent_nested_paren endif if exists('l:pyindent_open_paren') let g:pyindent_open_paren = l:pyindent_open_paren else unlet g:pyindent_open_paren endif endif return l:indent endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo