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#!/usr/bin/perl -ws $|++; use Parse::RecDescent; # $::RD_TRACE = 1; my $start = "START"; # start symbol (my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(<<'END_OF_GRAMMAR')) or die "bad!"; ## return hashref ## { ident => { ## is => [ ## [weight => item, item, item, ...], ## [weight => item, item, item, ...], ... ## ], ## defined => { line-number => times } ## used => { line-number => times } ## }, ... ## } ## item is " literal" or ident ## ident is C-symbol or number (internal for nested rules) { my %grammar; my $internal = 0; } grammar: rule(s) /\Z/ { \%grammar; } ## rule returns identifier (not used) rule: identifier ":" defn ';' { push @{$grammar{$item[1]}{is}}, @{$item[3]}; $grammar{$item[1]}{defined}{$itempos[1]{line}{to}}++; $item[1]; } | <error> ## defn returns listref of choices defn: <leftop: choice "|" choice> ## choice returns a listref of [weight => @items] choice: unweightedchoice { [ 1 => @{$item[1]} ] } | /\d+(\.\d+)?/ /\@/ unweightedchoice { [ $item[1] => @{$item[3]} ] } ## unweightedchoice returns a listref of @items unweightedchoice: item(s) item: quoted_string | identifier ...!/:/ { $grammar{$item[1]}{used}{$itempos[1]{line}{to}}++; $item[1]; # non-leading space flags an identifier } | "(" defn ")" { # parens for recursion, gensym an internal ++$internal; push @{$grammar{$internal}{is}}, @{$item[2]}; $internal; } | <error> quoted_string: /"/ <skip:""> quoted_char(s?) /"/ { " " . join "", @{$item[3]} # leading space flags a string } ## this should be expanded, but it works for this grammar :) quoted_char: /[^\\"]+/ | /\\n/ { "\n" } | /\\"/ { "\"" } identifier: /[A-Za-z_]\w*/ END_OF_GRAMMAR my @data = <DATA>; for (@data) { s/^\s*#.*//; } (my $parsed = $parser->grammar(join '', @data)) or die "bad parse"; for my $id (sort keys %$parsed) { next if $id =~ /^\d+$/; # skip internals my $id_ref = $parsed->{$id}; unless (exists $id_ref->{defined}) { print "$id used in @{[sort keys %{$id_ref->{used}}]} but not defined - FATAL\n"; } unless (exists $id_ref->{used} or $id eq $start) { print "$id defined in @{[sort keys %{$id_ref->{defined}}]} but not used - WARNING\n"; } } use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($parsed); show($start); sub show { my $defn = shift; die "missing defn for $defn" unless exists $parsed->{$defn}; my @choices = @{$parsed->{$defn}{is}}; my $weight = 0; my @keeper = (); while (@choices) { my ($thisweight, @thisitem) = @{pop @choices}; $thisweight = 0 if $thisweight < 0; # no funny stuff $weight += $thisweight; @keeper = @thisitem if rand($weight) < $thisweight; } for (@keeper) { ## should be a list of ids or defns die "huh $_ in $defn" if ref $defn; if (/^ (.*)/s) { print $1; } elsif (/^(\w+)$/) { show($1); } else { die "Can't show $_ in $defn\n"; } } } __END__ START: stanza "\n---\n" stanza "\n---\n" stanza; stanza: stanza " " exclaim " " stanza2 | stanza2; stanza2: sentence " " comparison " " question | sentence " " comparison | comparison " " comparison " " exclaim | address " " question " " question " " sentence; sentence: sentence "\n" sentence2 | sentence2; sentence2: "The " adjectiveNotHep " " personNotHep " " verbRelating " the " adjectiveHep " " personHep "." | "The " personHep " " verbRelating " the " adjectiveNotHep ", " adjectiveNotHep " " personNotHep "."; question: question " " question2 | question2; question2: ques_start " " adjectiveHep " " personNotHep "?" | ques_start " " adjectiveNotHep " " personHep "?"; comparison: comparison " " comparison2 | comparison2; comparison2: "One says '" compNotHep "' while the other says '" compHep "'." | "One thinks '" compNotHep "' while the other thinks '" compHep "'." | "They shout '" compNotHep "!' And we shout '" compHep "'." | "It's " compNotHep " versus " compHep "!" ; personNotHep: "capitalist" | "silk purse man" | "square" | "banker" | "Merchant King" | "pinstripe suit" ; personHep: "cat" | "beat soul" | "wordsmith" | "hep cat" | "free man" | "street poet" | "skin beater" | "reed man" ; adjectiveNotHep: "soul-sucking" | "commercial" | "cash-counting" | "bloody-handed" | "four-cornered" | "uncool" | "love-snuffing"; adjectiveHep: "love-drunk" | "cool, cool" | "happening" | "tuned-in" | "street wise" | "wise and learned"; verbRelating: "begrudges" | "fears" | "distresses" | "dodges" | "dislikes" | "evades" | "curses" | "belittles" | "avoids" | "battles"; compNotHep: "recreation" | "isolation" | "tranportation" | "sacred nation" | "complication" | "subordination"; compHep: "fornication" | "instigation" | "interpretation" | "elevation" | "animation" | "inebriation" | "true relation"; ques_start: 2 @ (5 @ "Could there ever" | 7 @ "How could there") " be a" | "Can you picture a" ; address: "Catch this:" | "Listen, cats," | "Dig it:" | "I lay this on you:"; exclaim: "Heavy, man."| "Heavy." | "Yow!" | "Snap 'em for me." | "Dig it.";