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From Fri Jul 13 09:47:35 2001 Received: from ( []) by (SGI-8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id JAA19597 for <>; Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:47:35 +1000 (EST) Received: from ALPHA9.CC.MONASH.EDU.AU ( []) by (8.9.3+Sun/8.9.3) with ESMTP id JAA28599 for <>; Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:47:32 +1000 (EST) Received: from ([]) by (PMDF V5.2-31 #29714) with SMTP id <> for; Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:47:15 +1000 Received: (cpmta 24211 invoked from network); Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:46:12 -0700 Received: (cpmta 24197 invoked from network); Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:46:10 -0700 Received: from ( by ( with SMTP; Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:46:10 -0700 Received: (from merlyn@localhost) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) id QAA21492; Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:46:09 -0700 X-Received: 12 Jul 2001 23:46:10 GMT Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:46:09 -0700 From: (Randal L. Schwartz) Subject: new potential example for P::RD's eg directory? To: Message-id: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="Boundary_(ID_V8Qg38zNd7FfillEy8fgog)" Delivered-to: User-Agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.3 X-UID: Inbox;992469057;10334 Lines: 15 Status: RO --Boundary_(ID_V8Qg38zNd7FfillEy8fgog) Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT I just wrote a "Data::Dumper" undumper using P::RD. I'm attaching the magazine column (which you can't re-use, unfortunately) but perhaps the code itself can be put in P::RD's distro (with a small README) as an example of an interesting grammar and usage. Or perhaps you can develop it into a full reference/dereference parser? -- Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095 <> <URL:> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc. See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training! --Boundary_(ID_V8Qg38zNd7FfillEy8fgog) Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; NAME=col29.pod Content-description: col 29 linux magazine Content-disposition: attachment; filename=col29.pod Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT =head1 Linux Magazine Column 29 (Oct 2001) [suggested title: Safe Undumping] Recently on the Perl Monestary at C<>, the user known as C<ton> asked about parsing a Perl-style double-quoted string, as part of a project to construct a safe C<Data::Dumper> parser that would take the output and interpret it rather than handing the result directly to C<eval> as is typically done. A few postings later, the work in progress for their C<Undumper> was posted, and I commented that there was probably a simpler way to do some of the things, and that it didn't handle blessed references. Well, me and my big mouth. Or was it my continuing curiousity to tinker with Damian Conway's excellent C<Parse::RecDescent> module? I'm not sure, but I found myself over the next dozen hours or so staring at C<Data::Dumper> source code, output, test cases, and C<Parse::RecDescent> traces and documentation. I also pounded my head on the desk for better than a day trying to figure out how to break a left-recursion loop, and came up with a nice obvious (now!) solution. The point of this is to be able to take the output of C<Data::Dumper> and reconstruct the original data, but not open ourselves to the possibility of being fed dangerous constructs, like backticks or symbol-table-manipulating code. Sure, you could also do this with the right use of the C<Safe> module, but I was already committed to finishing this version before I thought of that. Maybe another column someday. But anyway, that brings us to the program in [listing one, below]. Most of this program is input to C<Parse::RecDescent>, so I'll start by setting that aside and describing the Perl support structure first. Lines 1 through 3 start nearly every program I write, turning on warnings, compiler restrictions, and disabling the buffering on C<STDOUT>. Lines 5 and 6 control the behaviour of C<Parse::RecDescent>. When tracing is enabled (although commented out here), I can see how the parse is progressing. The number 80 trims the "to-be-parsed" string dumping to its first 80 characters, which is usually plenty for me to see what's going on. I left hints enabled, because the error messages that result from a hint were often helpful in debugging the grammar. Lines 8 and 9 pull in the C<Parse::RecDescent> (found in the CPAN) and C<Data::Dumper> (part of the core Perl distribution) modules. Lines 13 to 81 form the input grammar for C<Parse::RecDescent>, included as a single-quoted string using C<q{}> for delimiters. Damian Conway seems to prefer this quoting style for sending stuff to C<Parse::RecDescent>, so I've copied it at least here. In other places, I might have used a "here-document" instead. The result of feeding this grammar to C<Parse::RecDescent> is a parser object that we can then call on to parse the output of C<Data::Dumper> to "undump" it. If the grammar is bad, we die in line 81. At that point C<Parse::RecDescent> has already printed its own diagnostics, expanded by the enabled "hint" flag earlier. During development, I probably changed this grammar over 50 times, constantly tweaking it to recognize each new thing that I encountered in the input source. The hints were often useful, although the "left recursion" problem (that I'll describe later) had me stumped for the better part of two days. Once we have a parser object (in $parser), the action to "undump" a string containing Perl code is simple. Skipping down quickly to the C<test> subroutine starting at line 177, we can see the use of this C<$parser> to take a given C<$input> and transform it to a hashref response (saved as C<$symbol> here). The keys of the hashref contain the top-level scalar variable names, which default to C<$VAR1>, C<$VAR2> and so on, unless overridden during the dumping. The values of this hashref are then the corresponding values of those variables from the original dump, as best can be reconstructed. The C<test> subroutine here uses C<Data::Dumper> to convert an existing collection of values (passed in as arguments) into a string, shows the string as the input to the undumper, then parses the string with the constructed parser object. The output of this undumping process is then dumped once again and shown. The comparison process has to be a manual one, because it is sensitive to the order in which the items are presented to C<Data::Dumper>. Above the definition of this testing routine is a series of tests that I used to develop and verify the undumper. I started with the included tests found in the Perl 5.6.1 distribution to verify Perl on initial installation. I actually didn't include the entire test, but took the data structure for each applicable test and copied that into this program. I skipped over the tests that included symbol-table references (using globs) or coderefs, because I chose to ignore that for this program. Each test provides an arrayref containing the references to be dumped, and most tests also provide a label list to keep the variables from simply being named C<$VAR1>, C<$VAR2> and so on. I enclosed each test in a conditional that I could switch between "if (0)" and "if (1)" to either run the test or skip it. When I was focussing on a new feature, I enabled only one test until it worked, but once I got a good run, I reenabled all previous tests to ensure that I didn't break something else in the process. The "Extreme Programming" technique relies on this strategy of creating tests first and driving the development from those tests, and it worked nicely for the development of this program. Other than a few snippets of code that I used for scaffolding to test some initial grammar ideas, all of the code that I used to develop and test this code is thereby archived along with the routines, for later maintenance to take place easily. Any one of the tests can be switched to invoke C<timetest> rather than C<test>, as I've done on the final test (starting in line 171). This final test, by the way, exercises blessed references (objects), which none of the distribution tests even approach. (Maybe a patch to the distribution's C<t/dumper.t> is in order?) Using C<timetest>, we pop down to the routine beginning in line 184, which runs a quick benchmark comparing a straight C<eval> with our safe undumping parser. I'm using the C<timethese> routine from C<Benchmark> (a standard Perl module), giving it the default "0 times", which attempts to run each routine for slighly over 3 CPU seconds to compute an interations per second for each type. The bad news is that my code clocks in at 1/100th of the speed of C<eval>. Ahh, the price to pay for safety. The good news is that the speed difference is probably negligible for typical applications, and pennies to pay for the dollars saved in having a safe evaluation of what should be good C<Data::Dumper> output. Well, what little Perl code there is (outside of the grammar), that's it. So let's pick apart the grammar now, starting back up at line 13. Line 15 declares a variable local to the parser for the "symbol table" we'll be creating. The keys will be the full variable names as given in the dump. The values will be the constructed value for that key. Yes, this is the hash that is returned upon a successful parse. Line 17 defines the top-level rule for the parse. A "file" is zero or more "assignments". Howver, we also have to clear out the possibly leftover values from the previous run, and this is handled by the action block immediately preceding the assignment. We also have to verify that we've parsed the entire input string, which I'll do by matching C</\z/>, which matches only at the end of the string. If all went well, we'll return the hashref. Line 19 defines an assignment. Currently, I'm handling only a scalar assignment, although C<Data::Dumper> can also generate array and hash assignments under some circumstances. Gotta leave something for "release 2.0". Lines 21 and 22 define a scalar assignment, and the action to take for that. A scalar assignment consists of an "lvalue" (like a variable) and an "rvalue" (like an expression). Both lvalues and rvalues are references, so we dereference each of them in the action, and perform the requested assignment to keep our "virtual Perl symbol table" up to date. The action returns a constant 1 to let the parent rule know that this rule succeeded. Without that, an C<undef> value being assigned would have caused that rule to fail (one of my debugging attempts revealed such, with much head-banging-on-desk until I realized what I was doing). Lvalues are defined starting in line 24. The most complex lvalue is a dereferenced scalar reference, handled in lines 26 to 47. This is because C<Data::Dumper> can generate a reference path to a specific entry in the data structure to patch it up so that it points to a proper place for complex data interelationships. For example, if an element of C<@a> points to C<@b>, but an element of C<@b> points to C<@a>, the "chicken-and-egg" tie is broken by first generating C<@a> without the C<@b> reference, then C<@b> with the C<@a> reference, then patching up C<@a> finally to point to C<@b>. The definition starting in line 26 uses a C<deref_head> to be a simple scalar, followed by an optional C<deref_chain> which is one or more array-element or hash element dereferences. Let's look at the syntax before we study the actions taken. Line 39 shows us that C<deref_head> is either a C<simple_scalar_lvalue> or C<simple_scalar_rvalue>. Further down in lines 49 and 53, we see that a C<simple_scalar_lvalue> can be either a scalar variable or a scalar reference dereference. And that would form the head of the chain. If it's a scalar variable, we take a reference to a hash element in our "symbol table", and return that. The key is the name of the variable, including the dollar sign. This permits eventual expansion to include arrays and hashes in our "symbol table", again for version 2.0. For the dereference of the scalar reference, we emulate the same steps in our virtual world, again returning a reference for all lvalues. Once we have the chain head, we then look for a dereference chain (line 40), starting with the mandatory arrow then a hash or array subscript expression. This may be followed with additional arrow-optional hash or array subscript expressions (line 42). Each subscript is returned as a two-element arrayref, with either the keyword "hash" or "array" followed by the scalar constant selecting the particular element (lines 45 and 47). The action in line 41 rolls up the deref chain as a reference to an array of those two-element arrayrefs. Back in line 26, we thus have a reference to a starting point for the C<deref_head>, and possible one or more dereferences to apply to it. The action in lines 27 to 37 walk the dereference chain to get to the final target lvalue, and return it (as a reference to a scalar somewhere in our virtual Perl symbol space). On the other side of the equation, we've got rvalues of various shapes, defined in line 58 to be either a C<simple_scalar_rvalue> or a C<scalar_lvalue>. The loop back to C<scalar_value> is necessary because any variable reference is also itself a source of values. Lines 60 to 66 define the only scalar constants that C<Data::Dumper> seems to emit: C<undef>, simple signed integers, and quoted strings. These values are returned as references to those values so that C<undef> can be a valid return value: again, something I figured out the hard way after my rule for C<undef> kept breaking. Lines 68 to 75 handle the reference values: scalar references, array references, and hash references. Again, the syntax is very narrow: just the types of things I was able to see C<Data::Dumper> generate, both by trying some sample data, and by lightly examining the source code to C<Data::Dumper>. I may have missed a form or two, in which case this grammar will make it easy to add additional forms. The grammar is nicely recursive: an array reference in turn contains one or more C<scalar_rvalue> items, which brings us right back to the same place in the hierarchy, but at a nested level. Lines 76 to 79 handle blessed references. Again, the syntax is very specific to what I was able to determine about C<Data::Dumper>'s behavior. And that's pretty much it. The grammar looks for a series of assignments, each of which is an lvalue being given an rvalue. Some of the lvalues ultimately lead to symbol table entries, which then populate our symbol table hash with keys and values when assigned. Rvalues can be constants, or pointers into existing data in the symbol table. OK, it I<is> somewhat full of smoke and mirrors, and I was rather pleased when the whole thing worked. And on some rainy Oregon afternoon, I hope to extend it to handle arrays and hashes as well, just to make it extremely flexible and universal. I even have some ideas about how to get it to handle globs. But that's for another day: until next time, enjoy! =head2 Listing =1= #!/usr/bin/perl -w =2= use strict; =3= $|++; =4= =5= # $::RD_TRACE = 80; =6= $::RD_HINT = 1; =7= =8= use Parse::RecDescent; =9= use Data::Dumper; =10= =11= ## define grammar =12= =13= my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(q{ =14= =15= { my %TABLE; } =16= =17= file: { %TABLE = (); } assignment(s?) /\z/ { \%TABLE } =18= =19= assignment: scalar_assignment | <error> =20= =21= scalar_assignment: scalar_lvalue '=' scalar_rvalue ';' =22= { ${$item{scalar_lvalue}} = ${$item{scalar_rvalue}}; 1; } =23= =24= ## lvalues, indicated as reference to value, so we can assign to them =25= =26= scalar_lvalue: deref_head deref_chain(?) { =27= my $return = $item{deref_head}; =28= if ($item{deref_chain}) { =29= for (@{$item{deref_chain}[0]}) { =30= if ($_->[0] eq "hash") { =31= $return = \$$return->{${$_->[1]}}; =32= } elsif ($_->[0] eq "array") { =33= $return = \$$return->[${$_->[1]}]; =34= } else { die "what is $_->[0]?" } =35= } =36= } =37= $return; =38= } =39= deref_head: simple_scalar_lvalue | simple_scalar_rvalue =40= deref_chain: "->" hash_or_array_subscript deref_chain_more(s?) =41= { [$item[2], @{$item[3]}] } =42= deref_chain_more: "->" hash_or_array_subscript | hash_or_array_subscript =43= hash_or_array_subscript: hash_subscript | array_subscript =44= hash_subscript: "{" scalar_constant "}" =45= { ["hash", $item{scalar_constant}] } =46= array_subscript: "[" scalar_constant "]" =47= { ["array", $item{scalar_constant}] } =48= =49= simple_scalar_lvalue: '$' ident =50= { \ $TABLE{'$' . $item{ident}} } =51= ident: /[^\W\d]\w*/ =52= =53= simple_scalar_lvalue: '$' '{' scalar_rvalue '}' =54= { \ ${${$item{scalar_rvalue}}} } =55= =56= ## rvalues, indicated as reference to value, because "undef" is legal =57= =58= scalar_rvalue: simple_scalar_rvalue | scalar_lvalue =59= =60= simple_scalar_rvalue: scalar_constant =61= scalar_constant: 'undef' =62= { \ undef } =63= scalar_constant: /-?[1-9]\d*|0/ =64= { \ $item[1] } =65= scalar_constant: <perl_quotelike> =66= { \ $item[1][2] } =67= =68= simple_scalar_rvalue: "\x5C" scalar_rvalue =69= { \ $item{scalar_rvalue} } =70= simple_scalar_rvalue: '[' scalar_rvalue(s? /,/) ']' =71= { \ [map $$_, @{$item[2]}] } =72= simple_scalar_rvalue: '{' hashpair(s? /,/) '}' =73= { \ {map @$_, @{$item[2]}} } =74= hashpair: scalar_constant '=>' scalar_rvalue =75= { [${$item{scalar_constant}}, ${$item{scalar_rvalue}}] } =76= simple_scalar_rvalue: 'bless' '(' scalar_rvalue ',' scalar_constant ')' =77= { \ bless( ${$item{scalar_rvalue}}, ${$item{scalar_constant}} ) } =78= simple_scalar_rvalue: 'do' '{' "\x5C" '(' 'my' '$o' '=' scalar_rvalue ')' '}' =79= { \ do { \ (my $o = ${$item{scalar_rvalue}})} } =80= =81= }) or die "compile"; =82= =83= ## following tests from t/dumper.t in 5.6.1 distribution =84= =85= if (0) { =86= my @c = ('c'); =87= my $c = \@c; =88= my $b = {}; =89= my $a = [1, $b, $c]; =90= $b->{a} = $a; =91= $b->{b} = $a->[1]; =92= $b->{c} = $a->[2]; =93= =94= test([$a, $b, $c], [qw(a b c)]); =95= } =96= =97= if (0) { =98= my $foo = { "abc\000\'\efg" => "mno\000", =99= "reftest" => \\1, =100= }; =101= =102= test([$foo], [qw($foo)]); =103= } =104= =105= if (0) { =106= my $foo = 5; =107= my @foo = (-10,\$foo); =108= my %foo = (a=>1,b=>\$foo,c=>\@foo); =109= $foo{d} = \%foo; =110= $foo[2] = \%foo; =111= =112= test([\%foo],[qw($foo)]); =113= } =114= =115= if (0) { =116= my @dogs = ( 'Fido', 'Wags' ); =117= my %kennel = ( =118= First => \$dogs[0], =119= Second => \$dogs[1], =120= ); =121= $dogs[2] = \%kennel; =122= my $mutts = \%kennel; =123= test([\@dogs, \%kennel, $mutts], [qw($dogs $kennel $mutts)]); =124= } =125= =126= if (0) { =127= my $a = []; =128= $a->[1] = \$a->[0]; =129= test([$a], [qw($a)]); =130= } =131= =132= if (0) { =133= my $a = \\\\\'foo'; =134= my $b = $$$a; =135= test([$a, $b], [qw($a $b)]); =136= } =137= =138= if (1) { =139= my $b; =140= my $a = [{ a => \$b }, { b => undef }]; =141= $b = [{ c => \$b }, { d => \$a }]; =142= timetest([$a, $b], [qw($a $b)]); =143= } =144= =145= if (0) { =146= my $a = [[[[\\\\\'foo']]]]; =147= my $b = $a->[0][0]; =148= my $c = $${$b->[0][0]}; =149= test([$a, $b, $c], [qw($a $b $c)]); =150= } =151= =152= if (0) { =153= my $f = "pearl"; =154= my $e = [ $f ]; =155= my $d = { 'e' => $e }; =156= my $c = [ $d ]; =157= my $b = { 'c' => $c }; =158= my $a = { 'b' => $b }; =159= test([$a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f], [qw($a $b $c $d $e $f)]); =160= } =161= =162= if (0) { =163= my $a; =164= $a = \$a; =165= my $b = [$a]; =166= test([$b], [qw($b)]); =167= } =168= =169= ## end of tests from t/dumper.t, now some of my own =170= =171= if (0) { =172= my $x = bless {fred => 'flintstone'}, 'x'; =173= my $y = bless \$x, 'y'; =174= timetest([$x, $y], [qw($x $y)]); =175= } =176= =177= sub test { =178= my $input = Data::Dumper->new(@_)->Purity(1)->Dumpxs; =179= print "=" x 60, "\ninput:\n$input\n==>\noutput:\n"; =180= my $symbol = $parser->file($input) or die "execute"; =181= print Data::Dumper->new([values %$symbol], [keys %$symbol])->Purity(1)->Dumpxs; =182= } =183= =184= sub timetest { =185= require Benchmark; =186= =187= my $input = Data::Dumper->new(@_)->Purity(1)->Dumpxs; =188= print "=" x 60, "\ninput:\n$input\n==>\noutput:\n"; =189= Benchmark::timethese(0, { =190= PRD => sub { =191= package Dummy; =192= no strict; =193= my $symbol = $parser->file($input) =194= or die "execute"; =195= }, =196= EVAL => sub { =197= package Dummy; =198= no strict; =199= eval $input; =200= }, =201= }); =202= } --Boundary_(ID_V8Qg38zNd7FfillEy8fgog)--