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" Vim syntax file " Language: Euphoria 3.1.1 - supports DOS - ( " Maintainer: Shian Lee " Last Change: 2014 Feb 24 (for Vim 7.4) " Remark: Euphoria has two syntax files, euphoria3.vim and euphoria4.vim; " For details see :help ft-euphoria-syntax " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Reset compatible-options to Vim default value, just in case: let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Should suffice for very long expressions: syn sync lines=40 " Euphoria is a case-sensitive language (with only 4 builtin types): syntax case match " Keywords/Builtins for Debug - from $EUDIR/bin/keywords.e: syn keyword euphoria3Debug with without trace profile syn keyword euphoria3Debug profile_time warning type_check " Keywords (Statments) - from $EUDIR/bin/keywords.e: syn keyword euphoria3Keyword if end then procedure else for return syn keyword euphoria3Keyword do elsif while type constant to and or syn keyword euphoria3Keyword exit function global by not include syn keyword euphoria3Keyword xor " Builtins (Identifiers) - from $EUDIR/bin/keywords.e: syn keyword euphoria3Builtin length puts integer sequence position object syn keyword euphoria3Builtin append prepend print printf syn keyword euphoria3Builtin clear_screen floor getc gets get_key syn keyword euphoria3Builtin rand repeat atom compare find match syn keyword euphoria3Builtin time command_line open close getenv syn keyword euphoria3Builtin sqrt sin cos tan log system date remainder syn keyword euphoria3Builtin power machine_func machine_proc abort peek poke syn keyword euphoria3Builtin call sprintf arctan and_bits or_bits xor_bits syn keyword euphoria3Builtin not_bits pixel get_pixel mem_copy mem_set syn keyword euphoria3Builtin c_proc c_func routine_id call_proc call_func syn keyword euphoria3Builtin poke4 peek4s peek4u equal system_exec syn keyword euphoria3Builtin platform task_create task_schedule task_yield syn keyword euphoria3Builtin task_self task_suspend task_list syn keyword euphoria3Builtin task_status task_clock_stop task_clock_start syn keyword euphoria3Builtin find_from match_from " Builtins (Identifiers) shortcuts for length() and print(): syn match euphoria3Builtin "\$" syn match euphoria3Builtin "?" " Library Identifiers (Function) - from $EUDIR/doc/library.doc: syn keyword euphoria3Library reverse sort custom_sort lower upper syn keyword euphoria3Library wildcard_match wildcard_file arcsin syn keyword euphoria3Library arccos PI flush lock_file unlock_file syn keyword euphoria3Library pretty_print sprint get_bytes prompt_string syn keyword euphoria3Library wait_key get prompt_number value seek where syn keyword euphoria3Library current_dir chdir dir walk_dir allow_break syn keyword euphoria3Library check_break get_mouse mouse_events mouse_pointer syn keyword euphoria3Library tick_rate sleep get_position graphics_mode syn keyword euphoria3Library video_config scroll wrap text_color bk_color syn keyword euphoria3Library palette all_palette get_all_palette read_bitmap syn keyword euphoria3Library save_bitmap get_active_page set_active_page syn keyword euphoria3Library get_display_page set_display_page sound syn keyword euphoria3Library cursor text_rows get_screen_char put_screen_char syn keyword euphoria3Library save_text_image display_text_image draw_line syn keyword euphoria3Library polygon ellipse save_screen save_image display_image syn keyword euphoria3Library dos_interrupt allocate free allocate_low free_low syn keyword euphoria3Library allocate_string register_block unregister_block syn keyword euphoria3Library get_vector set_vector lock_memory int_to_bytes syn keyword euphoria3Library bytes_to_int int_to_bits bits_to_int atom_to_float64 syn keyword euphoria3Library atom_to_float32 float64_to_atom float32_to_atom syn keyword euphoria3Library set_rand use_vesa crash_file crash_message syn keyword euphoria3Library crash_routine open_dll define_c_proc define_c_func syn keyword euphoria3Library define_c_var call_back message_box free_console syn keyword euphoria3Library instance " Library Identifiers (Function) - from $EUDIR/doc/database.doc: syn keyword euphoria3Library db_create db_open db_select db_close db_create_table syn keyword euphoria3Library db_select_table db_rename_table db_delete_table syn keyword euphoria3Library db_table_list db_table_size db_find_key db_record_key syn keyword euphoria3Library db_record_data db_insert db_delete_record syn keyword euphoria3Library db_replace_data db_compress db_dump db_fatal_id " Linux shell comment (#!...): syn match euphoria3Comment "\%^#!.*$" " Comment on one line: syn region euphoria3Comment start=/--/ end=/$/ " Delimiters and brackets: syn match euphoria3Delimit "[([\])]" syn match euphoria3Delimit "\.\." syn match euphoria3Operator "[{}]" " Character constant: syn region euphoria3Char start=/'/ skip=/\\'\|\\\\/ end=/'/ oneline " String constant: syn region euphoria3String start=/"/ skip=/\\"\|\\\\/ end=/"/ oneline " Hexadecimal integer: syn match euphoria3Number "#[0-9A-F]\+\>" " Integer/Floating point without a dot: syn match euphoria3Number "\<\d\+\>" " Floating point with dot: syn match euphoria3Number "\<\d\+\.\d*\>" " Floating point starting with a dot: syn match euphoria3Number "\.\d\+\>" " Boolean constants: syn keyword euphoria3Boolean true TRUE false FALSE " Define the default highlighting. " Only used when an item doesn't have highlighting yet: hi def link euphoria3Comment Comment hi def link euphoria3String String hi def link euphoria3Char Character hi def link euphoria3Number Number hi def link euphoria3Boolean Boolean hi def link euphoria3Builtin Identifier hi def link euphoria3Library Function hi def link euphoria3Keyword Statement hi def link euphoria3Operator Statement hi def link euphoria3Debug Debug hi def link euphoria3Delimit Delimiter let b:current_syntax = "euphoria3" " Restore current compatible-options: let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo