One Hat Cyber Team
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3 � \�������������������@���sn���d�Z�ddlZddlZddlZddlZdddgZddd�Zi�add��Zddd �Z dd d�Z ddd�Zd d��ZdS�)z�Cache lines from Python source files. This is intended to read lines from modules imported -- hence if a filename is not found, it will look down the module search path for a file by that name. �����N�getline� clearcache� checkcachec�������������C���s:���t�|�|�}d|��ko t|�kn��r2||d��S�dS�d�S�)N������)�getlines�len)�filename�lineno�module_globals�lines��r ����!/usr/lib64/python3.6/linecache.pyr������s���� c���������������C���s���i�a�dS�)zClear the cache entirely.N)�cacher ���r ���r ���r���r������s����c�������������C���sR���|�t�kr(t�|��}t|�dkr(t�|��d�S�y t|�|�S��tk rL���t���g�S�X�dS�)z�Get the lines for a Python source file from the cache. Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already.r�������N)r���r����updatecache�MemoryErrorr���)r ���r����entryr ���r ���r���r���%���s���� r���c�������������C���s����|�dkrt�tj���}n|�tkr&|�g}ndS�x~|D�]v}�t|��}t|�dkrJq0|\}}}}|dkr`q0ytj|�}W�n�tk r����t|�=�w0Y�nX�||jks�||jkr0t|�=�q0W�dS�)zUDiscard cache entries that are out of date. (This is not checked upon each call!)Nr���) �listr����keysr����os�stat�OSError�st_size�st_mtime)r ���� filenamesr����size�mtimer����fullnamer���r ���r ���r���r���5���s&���� c����������"���C���s���|�t�krtt�|���dkrt�|�=�|��s8|�jd�r<|�jd�r<g�S�|�}ytj|�}W��n�tk �rV���|�}t|�|�r�yt�|��d���}W�n�ttfk r����Y�n<X�|dkr�g�S�t|�ddd��|j ��D��|ft�|�<�t�|��d�S�tj j|��r�g�S�xjtj D�]\}ytj j ||�}W�n�ttfk �r ���w�Y�nX�ytj|�}P�W�q��tk �rH���Y�q�X�q�W�g�S�Y�nX�y"tj|��}|j��}W�dQ�R�X�W�n�tk �r����g�S�X�|�r�|d �jd ���r�|d��d 7��<�|j|j�} } | | ||ft�|�<�|S�)z�Update a cache entry and return its list of lines. If something's wrong, print a message, discard the cache entry, and return an empty list.r����<�>r���Nc�������������S���s���g�|�]}|d���qS�)� r ���)�.0�liner ���r ���r���� <listcomp>q���s����zupdatecache.<locals>.<listcomp>r���r!������r%���)r���r���� startswith�endswithr���r���r���� lazycache�ImportError� splitlines�path�isabs�sys�join� TypeError�AttributeError�tokenize�open� readlinesr���r���)r ���r���r���r����basename�data�dirname�fpr���r���r���r ���r ���r���r���R���sV���� r���c�������������C���s����|�t�kr tt�|���dkrdS�dS�|��s:|�jd�r>|�jd�r>dS�|r�d|kr�|jd�}|d�}t|dd �}|r�|r�tj||�}|ft�|�<�dS�dS�) a���Seed the cache for filename with module_globals. The module loader will be asked for the source only when getlines is called, not immediately. If there is an entry in the cache already, it is not altered. :return: True if a lazy load is registered in the cache, otherwise False. To register such a load a module loader with a get_source method must be found, the filename must be a cachable filename, and the filename must not be already cached. r���TFr���r ���� __loader__�__name__� get_sourceN)r���r���r&���r'����get�getattr� functools�partial)r ���r����name�loaderr:���� get_linesr ���r ���r���r(�������s���� r(���)N)N)N)N) �__doc__r=���r-���r���r1����__all__r���r���r���r���r���r���r(���r ���r ���r ���r����<module>���s��� A