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" Vim syntax file " Language: Maxima (symbolic algebra program) " Maintainer: Robert Dodier ( " Last Change: April 6, 2006 " Version: 1 " Adapted mostly from xmath.vim " Number formats adapted from r.vim " " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn sync lines=1000 " parenthesis sanity checker syn region maximaZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" transparent contains=ALLBUT,maximaError,maximaBraceError,maximaCurlyError syn region maximaZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" matchgroup=Delimiter end="}" transparent contains=ALLBUT,maximaError,maximaBraceError,maximaParenError syn region maximaZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="]" transparent contains=ALLBUT,maximaError,maximaCurlyError,maximaParenError syn match maximaError "[)\]}]" syn match maximaBraceError "[)}]" contained syn match maximaCurlyError "[)\]]" contained syn match maximaParenError "[\]}]" contained syn match maximaComma "[\[\](),;]" syn match maximaComma "\.\.\.$" " A bunch of useful maxima keywords syn keyword maximaConditional if then else elseif and or not syn keyword maximaRepeat do for thru " ---------------------- BEGIN LIST OF ALL FUNCTIONS (EXCEPT KEYWORDS) ---------------------- syn keyword maximaFunc abasep abs absboxchar absint acos acosh acot acoth acsc syn keyword maximaFunc acsch activate activecontexts addcol additive addrow adim syn keyword maximaFunc adjoint af aform airy algebraic algepsilon algexact algsys syn keyword maximaFunc alg_type alias aliases allbut all_dotsimp_denoms allroots allsym syn keyword maximaFunc alphabetic antid antidiff antisymmetric append appendfile syn keyword maximaFunc apply apply1 apply2 applyb1 apropos args array arrayapply syn keyword maximaFunc arrayinfo arraymake arrays asec asech asin asinh askexp syn keyword maximaFunc askinteger asksign assoc assoc_legendre_p assoc_legendre_q assume syn keyword maximaFunc assume_pos assume_pos_pred assumescalar asymbol asympa at atan syn keyword maximaFunc atan2 atanh atensimp atom atomgrad atrig1 atvalue augcoefmatrix syn keyword maximaFunc av backsubst backtrace bashindices batch batchload bc2 bdvac syn keyword maximaFunc berlefact bern bernpoly bessel besselexpand bessel_i bessel_j syn keyword maximaFunc bessel_k bessel_y beta bezout bffac bfhzeta bfloat bfloatp syn keyword maximaFunc bfpsi bfpsi0 bftorat bftrunc bfzeta bimetric binomial block syn keyword maximaFunc bothcoef box boxchar break breakup bug_report build_info buildq syn keyword maximaFunc burn cabs canform canten carg cartan catch cauchysum cbffac syn keyword maximaFunc cdisplay cf cfdisrep cfexpand cflength cframe_flag cgeodesic syn keyword maximaFunc changename changevar charpoly checkdiv check_overlaps christof syn keyword maximaFunc clear_rules closefile closeps cmetric cnonmet_flag coeff syn keyword maximaFunc coefmatrix cograd col collapse columnvector combine commutative syn keyword maximaFunc comp2pui compfile compile compile_file components concan concat syn keyword maximaFunc conj conjugate conmetderiv cons constant constantp cont2part syn keyword maximaFunc content context contexts contortion contract contragrad coord syn keyword maximaFunc copylist copymatrix cos cosh cosnpiflag cot coth covdiff syn keyword maximaFunc covect create_list csc csch csetup ctaylor ctaypov ctaypt syn keyword maximaFunc ctayswitch ctayvar ct_coords ct_coordsys ctorsion_flag ctransform syn keyword maximaFunc ctrgsimp current_let_rule_package dblint deactivate debugmode syn keyword maximaFunc declare declare_translated declare_weight decsym syn keyword maximaFunc default_let_rule_package defcon define define_variable defint syn keyword maximaFunc defmatch defrule deftaylor del delete deleten delta demo syn keyword maximaFunc demoivre denom dependencies depends derivabbrev derivdegree syn keyword maximaFunc derivlist derivsubst describe desolve determinant detout syn keyword maximaFunc diagmatrix diagmatrixp diagmetric diff dim dimension direct syn keyword maximaFunc disolate disp dispcon dispflag dispform dispfun display syn keyword maximaFunc display2d display_format_internal disprule dispterms distrib syn keyword maximaFunc divide divsum doallmxops domain domxexpt domxmxops domxnctimes syn keyword maximaFunc dontfactor doscmxops doscmxplus dot0nscsimp dot0simp dot1simp syn keyword maximaFunc dotassoc dotconstrules dotdistrib dotexptsimp dotident dotscrules syn keyword maximaFunc dotsimp dpart dscalar %e echelon %edispflag eigenvalues syn keyword maximaFunc eigenvectors eighth einstein eivals eivects ele2comp syn keyword maximaFunc ele2polynome ele2pui elem eliminate elliptic_e elliptic_ec syn keyword maximaFunc elliptic_eu elliptic_f elliptic_kc elliptic_pi ematrix %emode syn keyword maximaFunc endcons entermatrix entertensor entier %enumer equal equalp erf syn keyword maximaFunc erfflag errcatch error errormsg error_size error_syms syn keyword maximaFunc %e_to_numlog euler ev eval evenp every evflag evfun evundiff syn keyword maximaFunc example exp expand expandwrt expandwrt_denom expandwrt_factored syn keyword maximaFunc explose expon exponentialize expop express expt exptdispflag syn keyword maximaFunc exptisolate exptsubst extdiff extract_linear_equations ezgcd syn keyword maximaFunc facexpand factcomb factlim factor factorflag factorial factorout syn keyword maximaFunc factorsum facts false fast_central_elements fast_linsolve syn keyword maximaFunc fasttimes fb feature featurep features fft fib fibtophi fifth syn keyword maximaFunc filename_merge file_search file_search_demo file_search_lisp syn keyword maximaFunc file_search_maxima file_type fillarray findde first fix flatten syn keyword maximaFunc flipflag float float2bf floatnump flush flush1deriv flushd syn keyword maximaFunc flushnd forget fortindent fortran fortspaces fourcos fourexpand syn keyword maximaFunc fourier fourint fourintcos fourintsin foursimp foursin fourth syn keyword maximaFunc fpprec fpprintprec frame_bracket freeof fullmap fullmapl syn keyword maximaFunc fullratsimp fullratsubst funcsolve functions fundef funmake funp syn keyword maximaFunc gamma %gamma gammalim gauss gcd gcdex gcfactor gdet genfact syn keyword maximaFunc genindex genmatrix gensumnum get getchar gfactor gfactorsum syn keyword maximaFunc globalsolve go gradef gradefs gramschmidt grind grobner_basis syn keyword maximaFunc gschmit hach halfangles hermite hipow hodge horner i0 i1 syn keyword maximaFunc *read-base* ic1 ic2 icc1 icc2 ic_convert ichr1 ichr2 icounter syn keyword maximaFunc icurvature ident idiff idim idummy idummyx ieqn ieqnprint ifb syn keyword maximaFunc ifc1 ifc2 ifg ifgi ifr iframe_bracket_form iframes ifri ift syn keyword maximaFunc igeodesic_coords igeowedge_flag ikt1 ikt2 ilt imagpart imetric syn keyword maximaFunc inchar indexed_tensor indices inf %inf infeval infinity infix syn keyword maximaFunc inflag infolists init_atensor init_ctensor inm inmc1 inmc2 syn keyword maximaFunc innerproduct in_netmath inpart inprod inrt integerp integrate syn keyword maximaFunc integrate_use_rootsof integration_constant_counter interpolate syn keyword maximaFunc intfaclim intopois intosum intpolabs intpolerror intpolrel syn keyword maximaFunc invariant1 invariant2 inverse_jacobi_cd inverse_jacobi_cn syn keyword maximaFunc inverse_jacobi_cs inverse_jacobi_dc inverse_jacobi_dn syn keyword maximaFunc inverse_jacobi_ds inverse_jacobi_nc inverse_jacobi_nd syn keyword maximaFunc inverse_jacobi_ns inverse_jacobi_sc inverse_jacobi_sd syn keyword maximaFunc inverse_jacobi_sn invert is ishow isolate isolate_wrt_times syn keyword maximaFunc isqrt itr j0 j1 jacobi jacobi_cd jacobi_cn jacobi_cs jacobi_dc syn keyword maximaFunc jacobi_dn jacobi_ds jacobi_nc jacobi_nd jacobi_ns jacobi_sc syn keyword maximaFunc jacobi_sd jacobi_sn jn kdels kdelta keepfloat kill killcontext syn keyword maximaFunc kinvariant kostka kt labels lambda laplace lassociative last syn keyword maximaFunc lc2kdt lc_l lcm lc_u ldefint ldisp ldisplay leinstein length syn keyword maximaFunc let letrat let_rule_packages letrules letsimp levi_civita lfg syn keyword maximaFunc lfreeof lg lgtreillis lhospitallim lhs liediff limit limsubst syn keyword maximaFunc linear linechar linel linenum linsolve linsolve_params syn keyword maximaFunc linsolvewarn listarith listarray listconstvars listdummyvars syn keyword maximaFunc list_nc_monomials listoftens listofvars listp lmxchar load syn keyword maximaFunc loadfile loadprint local log logabs logarc logconcoeffp syn keyword maximaFunc logcontract logexpand lognegint lognumer logsimp lopow syn keyword maximaFunc lorentz_gauge lpart lratsubst lriem lriemann lsum ltreillis syn keyword maximaFunc m1pbranch macroexpansion mainvar make_array makebox makefact syn keyword maximaFunc makegamma makelist make_random_state make_transform map mapatom syn keyword maximaFunc maperror maplist matchdeclare matchfix matrix matrix_element_add syn keyword maximaFunc matrix_element_mult matrix_element_transpose matrixmap matrixp syn keyword maximaFunc mattrace max maxapplydepth maxapplyheight maxnegex maxposex syn keyword maximaFunc maxtayorder member min %minf minfactorial minor mod syn keyword maximaFunc mode_check_errorp mode_checkp mode_check_warnp mode_declare syn keyword maximaFunc mode_identity modulus mon2schur mono monomial_dimensions syn keyword maximaFunc multi_elem multinomial multi_orbit multiplicative multiplicities syn keyword maximaFunc multi_pui multsym multthru myoptions nc_degree ncexpt ncharpoly syn keyword maximaFunc negdistrib negsumdispflag newcontext newdet newton niceindices syn keyword maximaFunc niceindicespref ninth nm nmc noeval nolabels nonmetricity syn keyword maximaFunc nonscalar nonscalarp noun noundisp nounify nouns np npi syn keyword maximaFunc nptetrad nroots nterms ntermst nthroot ntrig num numberp numer syn keyword maximaFunc numerval numfactor nusum obase oddp ode2 op openplot_curves syn keyword maximaFunc operatorp opproperties opsubst optimize optimprefix optionset syn keyword maximaFunc orbit ordergreat ordergreatp orderless orderlessp outative syn keyword maximaFunc outchar outermap outofpois packagefile pade part part2cont syn keyword maximaFunc partfrac partition partpol partswitch permanent permut petrov syn keyword maximaFunc pfeformat pi pickapart piece playback plog plot2d plot2d_ps syn keyword maximaFunc plot3d plot_options poisdiff poisexpt poisint poislim poismap syn keyword maximaFunc poisplus poissimp poisson poissubst poistimes poistrim polarform syn keyword maximaFunc polartorect polynome2ele posfun potential powerdisp powers syn keyword maximaFunc powerseries pred prederror primep print printpois printprops syn keyword maximaFunc prodhack prodrac product programmode prompt properties props syn keyword maximaFunc propvars pscom psdraw_curve psexpand psi pui pui2comp pui2ele syn keyword maximaFunc pui2polynome pui_direct puireduc put qput qq quad_qag quad_qagi syn keyword maximaFunc quad_qags quad_qawc quad_qawf quad_qawo quad_qaws quanc8 quit syn keyword maximaFunc qunit quotient radcan radexpand radsubstflag random rank syn keyword maximaFunc rassociative rat ratalgdenom ratchristof ratcoef ratdenom syn keyword maximaFunc ratdenomdivide ratdiff ratdisrep rateinstein ratepsilon ratexpand syn keyword maximaFunc ratfac ratmx ratnumer ratnump ratp ratprint ratriemann ratsimp syn keyword maximaFunc ratsimpexpons ratsubst ratvars ratweight ratweights ratweyl syn keyword maximaFunc ratwtlvl read readonly realonly realpart realroots rearray syn keyword maximaFunc rectform recttopolar rediff refcheck rem remainder remarray syn keyword maximaFunc rembox remcomps remcon remcoord remfun remfunction remlet syn keyword maximaFunc remove remrule remsym remvalue rename reset residue resolvante syn keyword maximaFunc resolvante_alternee1 resolvante_bipartite resolvante_diedrale syn keyword maximaFunc resolvante_klein resolvante_klein3 resolvante_produit_sym syn keyword maximaFunc resolvante_unitaire resolvante_vierer rest resultant return syn keyword maximaFunc reveal reverse revert revert2 rhs ric ricci riem riemann syn keyword maximaFunc rinvariant risch rmxchar rncombine %rnum_list romberg rombergabs syn keyword maximaFunc rombergit rombergmin rombergtol room rootsconmode rootscontract syn keyword maximaFunc rootsepsilon round row run_testsuite save savedef savefactors syn keyword maximaFunc scalarmatrixp scalarp scalefactors scanmap schur2comp sconcat syn keyword maximaFunc scsimp scurvature sec sech second setcheck setcheckbreak syn keyword maximaFunc setelmx set_plot_option set_random_state setup_autoload syn keyword maximaFunc set_up_dot_simplifications setval seventh sf show showcomps syn keyword maximaFunc showratvars showtime sign signum similaritytransform simpsum syn keyword maximaFunc simtran sin sinh sinnpiflag sixth solve solvedecomposes syn keyword maximaFunc solveexplicit solvefactors solve_inconsistent_error solvenullwarn syn keyword maximaFunc solveradcan solvetrigwarn somrac sort sparse spherical_bessel_j syn keyword maximaFunc spherical_bessel_y spherical_hankel1 spherical_hankel2 syn keyword maximaFunc spherical_harmonic splice sqfr sqrt sqrtdispflag sstatus syn keyword maximaFunc stardisp status string stringout sublis sublis_apply_lambda syn keyword maximaFunc sublist submatrix subst substinpart substpart subvarp sum syn keyword maximaFunc sumcontract sumexpand sumhack sumsplitfact supcontext symbolp syn keyword maximaFunc symmetric symmetricp system tan tanh taylor taylordepth syn keyword maximaFunc taylorinfo taylor_logexpand taylor_order_coefficients taylorp syn keyword maximaFunc taylor_simplifier taylor_truncate_polynomials taytorat tcl_output syn keyword maximaFunc tcontract tellrat tellsimp tellsimpafter tensorkill tentex tenth syn keyword maximaFunc tex %th third throw time timer timer_devalue timer_info syn keyword maximaFunc tldefint tlimit tlimswitch todd_coxeter to_lisp totaldisrep syn keyword maximaFunc totalfourier totient tpartpol tr trace trace_options syn keyword maximaFunc transcompile translate translate_file transpose transrun syn keyword maximaFunc tr_array_as_ref tr_bound_function_applyp treillis treinat syn keyword maximaFunc tr_file_tty_messagesp tr_float_can_branch_complex syn keyword maximaFunc tr_function_call_default triangularize trigexpand trigexpandplus syn keyword maximaFunc trigexpandtimes triginverses trigrat trigreduce trigsign trigsimp syn keyword maximaFunc tr_numer tr_optimize_max_loop tr_semicompile tr_state_vars true syn keyword maximaFunc trunc truncate tr_warn_bad_function_calls tr_warn_fexpr syn keyword maximaFunc tr_warnings_get tr_warn_meval tr_warn_mode tr_warn_undeclared syn keyword maximaFunc tr_warn_undefined_variable tr_windy ttyoff ueivects ufg ug syn keyword maximaFunc ultraspherical undiff uniteigenvectors unitvector unknown unorder syn keyword maximaFunc unsum untellrat untimer untrace uric uricci uriem uriemann syn keyword maximaFunc use_fast_arrays uvect values vect_cross vectorpotential syn keyword maximaFunc vectorsimp verb verbify verbose weyl with_stdout writefile syn keyword maximaFunc xgraph_curves xthru zerobern zeroequiv zeromatrix zeta zeta%pi syn match maximaOp "[\*\/\+\-\#\!\~\^\=\:\<\>\@]" " ---------------------- END LIST OF ALL FUNCTIONS (EXCEPT KEYWORDS) ---------------------- syn case match " Labels (supports maxima's goto) syn match maximaLabel "^\s*<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9%_]*>" " String and Character constants " Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently syn match maximaSpecial contained "\\\d\d\d\|\\." syn region maximaString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=maximaSpecial syn match maximaCharacter "'[^\\]'" syn match maximaSpecialChar "'\\.'" " number with no fractional part or exponent syn match maximaNumber /\<\d\+\>/ " floating point number with integer and fractional parts and optional exponent syn match maximaFloat /\<\d\+\.\d*\([BbDdEeSs][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>/ " floating point number with no integer part and optional exponent syn match maximaFloat /\<\.\d\+\([BbDdEeSs][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>/ " floating point number with no fractional part and optional exponent syn match maximaFloat /\<\d\+[BbDdEeSs][-+]\=\d\+\>/ " Comments: " maxima supports /* ... */ (like C) syn keyword maximaTodo contained TODO Todo DEBUG syn region maximaCommentBlock start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=maximaString,maximaTodo,maximaCommentBlock " synchronizing syn sync match maximaSyncComment grouphere maximaCommentBlock "/*" syn sync match maximaSyncComment groupthere NONE "*/" " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link maximaBraceError maximaError hi def link maximaCmd maximaStatement hi def link maximaCurlyError maximaError hi def link maximaFuncCmd maximaStatement hi def link maximaParenError maximaError " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later hi def link maximaCharacter Character hi def link maximaComma Function hi def link maximaCommentBlock Comment hi def link maximaConditional Conditional hi def link maximaError Error hi def link maximaFunc Delimiter hi def link maximaOp Delimiter hi def link maximaLabel PreProc hi def link maximaNumber Number hi def link maximaFloat Float hi def link maximaRepeat Repeat hi def link maximaSpecial Type hi def link maximaSpecialChar SpecialChar hi def link maximaStatement Statement hi def link maximaString String hi def link maximaTodo Todo let b:current_syntax = "maxima"