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" Vim syntax file " Language: PostScript - all Levels, selectable " Maintainer: Mike Williams <> " Filenames: *.ps,*.eps " Last Change: 31st October 2007 " URL: " " Options Flags: " postscr_level - language level to use for highligting (1, 2, or 3) " postscr_display - include display PS operators " postscr_ghostscript - include GS extensions " postscr_fonts - highlight standard font names (a lot for PS 3) " postscr_encodings - highlight encoding names (there are a lot) " postscr_andornot_binary - highlight and, or, and not as binary operators (not logical) " " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " PostScript is case sensitive syn case match " Keyword characters - all 7-bit ASCII bar PS delimiters and ws setlocal iskeyword=33-127,^(,^),^<,^>,^[,^],^{,^},^/,^% " Yer trusty old TODO highlghter! syn keyword postscrTodo contained TODO " Comment syn match postscrComment "%.*$" contains=postscrTodo,@Spell " DSC comment start line (NB: defines DSC level, not PS level!) syn match postscrDSCComment "^%!PS-Adobe-\d\+\.\d\+\s*.*$" " DSC comment line (no check on possible comments - another language!) syn match postscrDSCComment "^%%\u\+.*$" contains=@postscrString,@postscrNumber,@Spell " DSC continuation line (no check that previous line is DSC comment) syn match postscrDSCComment "^%%+ *.*$" contains=@postscrString,@postscrNumber,@Spell " Names syn match postscrName "\k\+" " Identifiers syn match postscrIdentifierError "/\{1,2}[[:space:]\[\]{}]"me=e-1 syn match postscrIdentifier "/\{1,2}\k\+" contains=postscrConstant,postscrBoolean,postscrCustConstant " Numbers syn case ignore " In file hex data - usually complete lines syn match postscrHex "^[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:][:space:]]*$" "syn match postscrHex "\<\x\{2,}\>" " Integers syn match postscrInteger "\<[+-]\=\d\+\>" " Radix syn match postscrRadix "\d\+#\x\+\>" " Reals - upper and lower case e is allowed syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+\.\>" syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>" syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\.\d\+\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>" syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+e[+-]\=\d\+\>" syn cluster postscrNumber contains=postscrInteger,postscrRadix,postscrFloat syn case match " Escaped characters syn match postscrSpecialChar contained "\\[nrtbf\\()]" syn match postscrSpecialCharError contained "\\[^nrtbf\\()]"he=e-1 " Escaped octal characters syn match postscrSpecialChar contained "\\\o\{1,3}" " Strings " ASCII strings syn region postscrASCIIString start=+(+ end=+)+ skip=+([^)]*)+ contains=postscrSpecialChar,postscrSpecialCharError,@Spell syn match postscrASCIIStringError ")" " Hex strings syn match postscrHexCharError contained "[^<>[:xdigit:][:space:]]" syn region postscrHexString start=+<\($\|[^<]\)+ end=+>+ contains=postscrHexCharError syn match postscrHexString "<>" " ASCII85 strings syn match postscrASCII85CharError contained "[^<>\~!-uz[:space:]]" syn region postscrASCII85String start=+<\~+ end=+\~>+ contains=postscrASCII85CharError syn cluster postscrString contains=postscrASCIIString,postscrHexString,postscrASCII85String " Set default highlighting to level 2 - most common at the moment if !exists("postscr_level") let postscr_level = 2 endif " PS level 1 operators - common to all levels (well ...) " Stack operators syn keyword postscrOperator pop exch dup copy index roll clear count mark cleartomark counttomark " Math operators syn keyword postscrMathOperator add div idiv mod mul sub abs neg ceiling floor round truncate sqrt atan cos syn keyword postscrMathOperator sin exp ln log rand srand rrand " Array operators syn match postscrOperator "[\[\]{}]" syn keyword postscrOperator array length get put getinterval putinterval astore aload copy syn keyword postscrRepeat forall " Dictionary operators syn keyword postscrOperator dict maxlength begin end def load store known where currentdict syn keyword postscrOperator countdictstack dictstack cleardictstack internaldict syn keyword postscrConstant $error systemdict userdict statusdict errordict " String operators syn keyword postscrOperator string anchorsearch search token " Logic operators syn keyword postscrLogicalOperator eq ne ge gt le lt and not or if exists("postscr_andornot_binaryop") syn keyword postscrBinaryOperator and or not else syn keyword postscrLogicalOperator and not or endif syn keyword postscrBinaryOperator xor bitshift syn keyword postscrBoolean true false " PS Type names syn keyword postscrConstant arraytype booleantype conditiontype dicttype filetype fonttype gstatetype syn keyword postscrConstant integertype locktype marktype nametype nulltype operatortype syn keyword postscrConstant packedarraytype realtype savetype stringtype " Control operators syn keyword postscrConditional if ifelse syn keyword postscrRepeat for repeat loop syn keyword postscrOperator exec exit stop stopped countexecstack execstack quit syn keyword postscrProcedure start " Object operators syn keyword postscrOperator type cvlit cvx xcheck executeonly noaccess readonly rcheck wcheck cvi cvn cvr syn keyword postscrOperator cvrs cvs " File operators syn keyword postscrOperator file closefile read write readhexstring writehexstring readstring writestring syn keyword postscrOperator bytesavailable flush flushfile resetfile status run currentfile print syn keyword postscrOperator stack pstack readline deletefile setfileposition fileposition renamefile syn keyword postscrRepeat filenameforall syn keyword postscrProcedure = == " VM operators syn keyword postscrOperator save restore " Misc operators syn keyword postscrOperator bind null usertime executive echo realtime syn keyword postscrConstant product revision serialnumber version syn keyword postscrProcedure prompt " GState operators syn keyword postscrOperator gsave grestore grestoreall initgraphics setlinewidth setlinecap currentgray syn keyword postscrOperator currentlinejoin setmiterlimit currentmiterlimit setdash currentdash setgray syn keyword postscrOperator sethsbcolor currenthsbcolor setrgbcolor currentrgbcolor currentlinewidth syn keyword postscrOperator currentlinecap setlinejoin setcmykcolor currentcmykcolor " Device gstate operators syn keyword postscrOperator setscreen currentscreen settransfer currenttransfer setflat currentflat syn keyword postscrOperator currentblackgeneration setblackgeneration setundercolorremoval syn keyword postscrOperator setcolorscreen currentcolorscreen setcolortransfer currentcolortransfer syn keyword postscrOperator currentundercolorremoval " Matrix operators syn keyword postscrOperator matrix initmatrix identmatrix defaultmatrix currentmatrix setmatrix translate syn keyword postscrOperator concat concatmatrix transform dtransform itransform idtransform invertmatrix syn keyword postscrOperator scale rotate " Path operators syn keyword postscrOperator newpath currentpoint moveto rmoveto lineto rlineto arc arcn arcto curveto syn keyword postscrOperator closepath flattenpath reversepath strokepath charpath clippath pathbbox syn keyword postscrOperator initclip clip eoclip rcurveto syn keyword postscrRepeat pathforall " Painting operators syn keyword postscrOperator erasepage fill eofill stroke image imagemask colorimage " Device operators syn keyword postscrOperator showpage copypage nulldevice " Character operators syn keyword postscrProcedure findfont syn keyword postscrConstant FontDirectory ISOLatin1Encoding StandardEncoding syn keyword postscrOperator definefont scalefont makefont setfont currentfont show ashow syn keyword postscrOperator stringwidth kshow setcachedevice syn keyword postscrOperator setcharwidth widthshow awidthshow findencoding cshow rootfont setcachedevice2 " Interpreter operators syn keyword postscrOperator vmstatus cachestatus setcachelimit " PS constants syn keyword postscrConstant contained Gray Red Green Blue All None DeviceGray DeviceRGB " PS Filters syn keyword postscrConstant contained ASCIIHexDecode ASCIIHexEncode ASCII85Decode ASCII85Encode LZWDecode syn keyword postscrConstant contained RunLengthDecode RunLengthEncode SubFileDecode NullEncode syn keyword postscrConstant contained GIFDecode PNGDecode LZWEncode " PS JPEG filter dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained DCTEncode DCTDecode Colors HSamples VSamples QuantTables QFactor syn keyword postscrConstant contained HuffTables ColorTransform " PS CCITT filter dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained CCITTFaxEncode CCITTFaxDecode Uncompressed K EndOfLine syn keyword postscrConstant contained Columns Rows EndOfBlock Blacks1 DamagedRowsBeforeError syn keyword postscrConstant contained EncodedByteAlign " PS Form dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained FormType XUID BBox Matrix PaintProc Implementation " PS Errors syn keyword postscrProcedure handleerror syn keyword postscrConstant contained configurationerror dictfull dictstackunderflow dictstackoverflow syn keyword postscrConstant contained execstackoverflow interrupt invalidaccess syn keyword postscrConstant contained invalidcontext invalidexit invalidfileaccess invalidfont syn keyword postscrConstant contained invalidid invalidrestore ioerror limitcheck nocurrentpoint syn keyword postscrConstant contained rangecheck stackoverflow stackunderflow syntaxerror timeout syn keyword postscrConstant contained typecheck undefined undefinedfilename undefinedresource syn keyword postscrConstant contained undefinedresult unmatchedmark unregistered VMerror if exists("postscr_fonts") " Font names syn keyword postscrConstant contained Symbol Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Times-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Courier Courier-Oblique Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique endif if exists("postscr_display") " Display PS only operators syn keyword postscrOperator currentcontext fork join detach lock monitor condition wait notify yield syn keyword postscrOperator viewclip eoviewclip rectviewclip initviewclip viewclippath deviceinfo syn keyword postscrOperator sethalftonephase currenthalftonephase wtranslation defineusername endif " PS Character encoding names if exists("postscr_encodings") " Common encoding names syn keyword postscrConstant contained .notdef " Standard and ISO encoding names syn keyword postscrConstant contained space exclam quotedbl numbersign dollar percent ampersand quoteright syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenleft parenright asterisk plus comma hyphen period slash zero syn keyword postscrConstant contained one two three four five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less syn keyword postscrConstant contained equal greater question at syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketleft backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore quoteleft syn keyword postscrConstant contained braceleft bar braceright asciitilde syn keyword postscrConstant contained exclamdown cent sterling fraction yen florin section currency syn keyword postscrConstant contained quotesingle quotedblleft guillemotleft guilsinglleft guilsinglright syn keyword postscrConstant contained fi fl endash dagger daggerdbl periodcentered paragraph bullet syn keyword postscrConstant contained quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblright guillemotright ellipsis syn keyword postscrConstant contained perthousand questiondown grave acute circumflex tilde macron breve syn keyword postscrConstant contained dotaccent dieresis ring cedilla hungarumlaut ogonek caron emdash syn keyword postscrConstant contained AE ordfeminine Lslash Oslash OE ordmasculine ae dotlessi lslash syn keyword postscrConstant contained oslash oe germandbls " The following are valid names, but are used as short procedure names in generated PS! " a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z " Symbol encoding names syn keyword postscrConstant contained universal existential suchthat asteriskmath minus syn keyword postscrConstant contained congruent Alpha Beta Chi Delta Epsilon Phi Gamma Eta Iota theta1 syn keyword postscrConstant contained Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Omicron Pi Theta Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon sigma1 syn keyword postscrConstant contained Omega Xi Psi Zeta therefore perpendicular syn keyword postscrConstant contained radicalex alpha beta chi delta epsilon phi gamma eta iota phi1 syn keyword postscrConstant contained kappa lambda mu nu omicron pi theta rho sigma tau upsilon omega1 syn keyword postscrConstant contained Upsilon1 minute lessequal infinity club diamond heart spade syn keyword postscrConstant contained arrowboth arrowleft arrowup arrowright arrowdown degree plusminus syn keyword postscrConstant contained second greaterequal multiply proportional partialdiff divide syn keyword postscrConstant contained notequal equivalence approxequal arrowvertex arrowhorizex syn keyword postscrConstant contained aleph Ifraktur Rfraktur weierstrass circlemultiply circleplus syn keyword postscrConstant contained emptyset intersection union propersuperset reflexsuperset notsubset syn keyword postscrConstant contained propersubset reflexsubset element notelement angle gradient syn keyword postscrConstant contained registerserif copyrightserif trademarkserif radical dotmath syn keyword postscrConstant contained logicalnot logicaland logicalor arrowdblboth arrowdblleft arrowdblup syn keyword postscrConstant contained arrowdblright arrowdbldown omega xi psi zeta similar carriagereturn syn keyword postscrConstant contained lozenge angleleft registersans copyrightsans trademarksans summation syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenlefttp parenleftex parenleftbt bracketlefttp bracketleftex syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketleftbt bracelefttp braceleftmid braceleftbt braceex euro syn keyword postscrConstant contained angleright integral integraltp integralex integralbt parenrighttp syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenrightex parenrightbt bracketrighttp bracketrightex syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketrightbt bracerighttp bracerightmid bracerightbt " ISO Latin1 encoding names syn keyword postscrConstant contained brokenbar copyright registered twosuperior threesuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained onesuperior onequarter onehalf threequarters syn keyword postscrConstant contained Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Ccedilla Egrave syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Ugrave Uacute syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ucircumflex Udieresis Yacute Thorn syn keyword postscrConstant contained agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ccedilla egrave syn keyword postscrConstant contained eacute ecircumflex edieresis igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis syn keyword postscrConstant contained eth ntilde ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis ugrave uacute syn keyword postscrConstant contained ucircumflex udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis syn keyword postscrConstant contained zcaron exclamsmall Hungarumlautsmall dollaroldstyle dollarsuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained ampersandsmall Acutesmall parenleftsuperior parenrightsuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained twodotenleader onedotenleader zerooldstyle oneoldstyle twooldstyle syn keyword postscrConstant contained threeoldstyle fouroldstyle fiveoldstyle sixoldstyle sevenoldstyle syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightoldstyle nineoldstyle commasuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained threequartersemdash periodsuperior questionsmall asuperior bsuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained centsuperior dsuperior esuperior isuperior lsuperior msuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained nsuperior osuperior rsuperior ssuperior tsuperior ff ffi ffl syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenleftinferior parenrightinferior Circumflexsmall hyphensuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained Gravesmall Asmall Bsmall Csmall Dsmall Esmall Fsmall Gsmall Hsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ismall Jsmall Ksmall Lsmall Msmall Nsmall Osmall Psmall Qsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Rsmall Ssmall Tsmall Usmall Vsmall Wsmall Xsmall Ysmall Zsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained colonmonetary onefitted rupiah Tildesmall exclamdownsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained centoldstyle Lslashsmall Scaronsmall Zcaronsmall Dieresissmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Brevesmall Caronsmall Dotaccentsmall Macronsmall figuredash syn keyword postscrConstant contained hypheninferior Ogoneksmall Ringsmall Cedillasmall questiondownsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained oneeighth threeeighths fiveeighths seveneighths onethird twothirds syn keyword postscrConstant contained zerosuperior foursuperior fivesuperior sixsuperior sevensuperior syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightsuperior ninesuperior zeroinferior oneinferior twoinferior syn keyword postscrConstant contained threeinferior fourinferior fiveinferior sixinferior seveninferior syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightinferior nineinferior centinferior dollarinferior periodinferior syn keyword postscrConstant contained commainferior Agravesmall Aacutesmall Acircumflexsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Atildesmall Adieresissmall Aringsmall AEsmall Ccedillasmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Egravesmall Eacutesmall Ecircumflexsmall Edieresissmall Igravesmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Iacutesmall Icircumflexsmall Idieresissmall Ethsmall Ntildesmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ogravesmall Oacutesmall Ocircumflexsmall Otildesmall Odieresissmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained OEsmall Oslashsmall Ugravesmall Uacutesmall Ucircumflexsmall syn keyword postscrConstant contained Udieresissmall Yacutesmall Thornsmall Ydieresissmall Black Bold Book syn keyword postscrConstant contained Light Medium Regular Roman Semibold " Sundry standard and expert encoding names syn keyword postscrConstant contained trademark Scaron Ydieresis Zcaron scaron softhyphen overscore syn keyword postscrConstant contained graybox Sacute Tcaron Zacute sacute tcaron zacute Aogonek Scedilla syn keyword postscrConstant contained Zdotaccent aogonek scedilla Lcaron lcaron zdotaccent Racute Abreve syn keyword postscrConstant contained Lacute Cacute Ccaron Eogonek Ecaron Dcaron Dcroat Nacute Ncaron syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ohungarumlaut Rcaron Uring Uhungarumlaut Tcommaaccent racute abreve syn keyword postscrConstant contained lacute cacute ccaron eogonek ecaron dcaron dcroat nacute ncaron syn keyword postscrConstant contained ohungarumlaut rcaron uring uhungarumlaut tcommaaccent Gbreve syn keyword postscrConstant contained Idotaccent gbreve blank apple endif " By default level 3 includes all level 2 operators if postscr_level == 2 || postscr_level == 3 " Dictionary operators syn match postscrL2Operator "\(<<\|>>\)" syn keyword postscrL2Operator undef syn keyword postscrConstant globaldict shareddict " Device operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator setpagedevice currentpagedevice " Path operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator rectclip setbbox uappend ucache upath ustrokepath arct " Painting operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator rectfill rectstroke ufill ueofill ustroke " Array operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator currentpacking setpacking packedarray " Misc operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator languagelevel " Insideness operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator infill ineofill instroke inufill inueofill inustroke " GState operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator gstate setgstate currentgstate setcolor syn keyword postscrL2Operator setcolorspace currentcolorspace setstrokeadjust currentstrokeadjust syn keyword postscrL2Operator currentcolor " Device gstate operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator sethalftone currenthalftone setoverprint currentoverprint syn keyword postscrL2Operator setcolorrendering currentcolorrendering " Character operators syn keyword postscrL2Constant GlobalFontDirectory SharedFontDirectory syn keyword postscrL2Operator glyphshow selectfont syn keyword postscrL2Operator addglyph undefinefont xshow xyshow yshow " Pattern operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator makepattern setpattern execform " Resource operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator defineresource undefineresource findresource resourcestatus syn keyword postscrL2Repeat resourceforall " File operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator filter printobject writeobject setobjectformat currentobjectformat " VM operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator currentshared setshared defineuserobject execuserobject undefineuserobject syn keyword postscrL2Operator gcheck scheck startjob currentglobal setglobal syn keyword postscrConstant UserObjects " Interpreter operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator setucacheparams setvmthreshold ucachestatus setsystemparams syn keyword postscrL2Operator setuserparams currentuserparams setcacheparams currentcacheparams syn keyword postscrL2Operator currentdevparams setdevparams vmreclaim currentsystemparams " PS2 constants syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceCMYK Pattern Indexed Separation Cyan Magenta Yellow Black syn keyword postscrConstant contained CIEBasedA CIEBasedABC CIEBasedDEF CIEBasedDEFG " PS2 $error dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained newerror errorname command errorinfo ostack estack dstack syn keyword postscrConstant contained recordstacks binary " PS2 Category dictionary syn keyword postscrConstant contained DefineResource UndefineResource FindResource ResourceStatus syn keyword postscrConstant contained ResourceForAll Category InstanceType ResourceFileName " PS2 Category names syn keyword postscrConstant contained Font Encoding Form Pattern ProcSet ColorSpace Halftone syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRendering Filter ColorSpaceFamily Emulator IODevice syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRenderingType FMapType FontType FormType HalftoneType syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageType PatternType Category Generic " PS2 pagedevice dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained PageSize MediaColor MediaWeight MediaType InputAttributes ManualFeed syn keyword postscrConstant contained OutputType OutputAttributes NumCopies Collate Duplex Tumble syn keyword postscrConstant contained Separations HWResolution Margins NegativePrint MirrorPrint syn keyword postscrConstant contained CutMedia AdvanceMedia AdvanceDistance ImagingBBox syn keyword postscrConstant contained Policies Install BeginPage EndPage PolicyNotFound PolicyReport syn keyword postscrConstant contained ManualSize OutputFaceUp Jog syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bind BindDetails Booklet BookletDetails CollateDetails syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceRenderingInfo ExitJamRecovery Fold FoldDetails Laminate syn keyword postscrConstant contained ManualFeedTimeout Orientation OutputPage syn keyword postscrConstant contained PostRenderingEnhance PostRenderingEnhanceDetails syn keyword postscrConstant contained PreRenderingEnhance PreRenderingEnhanceDetails syn keyword postscrConstant contained Signature SlipSheet Staple StapleDetails Trim syn keyword postscrConstant contained ProofSet REValue PrintQuality ValuesPerColorComponent AntiAlias " PS2 PDL resource entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained Selector LanguageFamily LanguageVersion " PS2 halftone dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained HalftoneType HalftoneName syn keyword postscrConstant contained AccurateScreens ActualAngle Xsquare Ysquare AccurateFrequency syn keyword postscrConstant contained Frequency SpotFunction Angle Width Height Thresholds syn keyword postscrConstant contained RedFrequency RedSpotFunction RedAngle RedWidth RedHeight syn keyword postscrConstant contained GreenFrequency GreenSpotFunction GreenAngle GreenWidth GreenHeight syn keyword postscrConstant contained BlueFrequency BlueSpotFunction BlueAngle BlueWidth BlueHeight syn keyword postscrConstant contained GrayFrequency GrayAngle GraySpotFunction GrayWidth GrayHeight syn keyword postscrConstant contained GrayThresholds BlueThresholds GreenThresholds RedThresholds syn keyword postscrConstant contained TransferFunction " PS2 CSR dictionaries syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeA DecodeA MatrixA RangeABC DecodeABC MatrixABC BlackPoint syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeLMN DecodeLMN MatrixLMN WhitePoint RangeDEF DecodeDEF RangeHIJ syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeDEFG DecodeDEFG RangeHIJK Table " PS2 CRD dictionaries syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRenderingType EncodeLMB EncodeABC RangePQR MatrixPQR syn keyword postscrConstant contained AbsoluteColorimetric RelativeColorimetric Saturation Perceptual syn keyword postscrConstant contained TransformPQR RenderTable " PS2 Pattern dictionary syn keyword postscrConstant contained PatternType PaintType TilingType XStep YStep " PS2 Image dictionary syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageType ImageMatrix MultipleDataSources DataSource syn keyword postscrConstant contained BitsPerComponent Decode Interpolate " PS2 Font dictionaries syn keyword postscrConstant contained FontType FontMatrix FontName FontInfo LanguageLevel WMode Encoding syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniqueID StrokeWidth Metrics Metrics2 CDevProc CharStrings Private syn keyword postscrConstant contained FullName Notice version ItalicAngle isFixedPitch UnderlinePosition syn keyword postscrConstant contained FMapType Encoding FDepVector PrefEnc EscChar ShiftOut ShiftIn syn keyword postscrConstant contained WeightVector Blend $Blend CIDFontType sfnts CIDSystemInfo CodeMap syn keyword postscrConstant contained CMap CIDFontName CIDSystemInfo UIDBase CIDDevProc CIDCount syn keyword postscrConstant contained CIDMapOffset FDArray FDBytes GDBytes GlyphData GlyphDictionary syn keyword postscrConstant contained SDBytes SubrMapOffset SubrCount BuildGlyph CIDMap FID MIDVector syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ordering Registry Supplement CMapName CMapVersion UIDOffset syn keyword postscrConstant contained SubsVector UnderlineThickness FamilyName FontBBox CurMID syn keyword postscrConstant contained Weight " PS2 User paramters syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxFontItem MinFontCompress MaxUPathItem MaxFormItem MaxPatternItem syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxScreenItem MaxOpStack MaxDictStack MaxExecStack MaxLocalVM syn keyword postscrConstant contained VMReclaim VMThreshold " PS2 System paramters syn keyword postscrConstant contained SystemParamsPassword StartJobPassword BuildTime ByteOrder RealFormat syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxFontCache CurFontCache MaxOutlineCache CurOutlineCache syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxUPathCache CurUPathCache MaxFormCache CurFormCache syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxPatternCache CurPatternCache MaxScreenStorage CurScreenStorage syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxDisplayList CurDisplayList " PS2 LZW Filters syn keyword postscrConstant contained Predictor " Paper Size operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator letter lettersmall legal ledger 11x17 a4 a3 a4small b5 note " Paper Tray operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator lettertray legaltray ledgertray a3tray a4tray b5tray 11x17tray " SCC compatibility operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator sccbatch sccinteractive setsccbatch setsccinteractive " Page duplexing operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator duplexmode firstside newsheet setduplexmode settumble tumble " Device compatability operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator devdismount devformat devmount devstatus syn keyword postscrL2Repeat devforall " Imagesetter compatability operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator accuratescreens checkscreen pagemargin pageparams setaccuratescreens setpage syn keyword postscrL2Operator setpagemargin setpageparams " Misc compatability operators syn keyword postscrL2Operator appletalktype buildtime byteorder checkpassword defaulttimeouts diskonline syn keyword postscrL2Operator diskstatus manualfeed manualfeedtimeout margins mirrorprint pagecount syn keyword postscrL2Operator pagestackorder printername processcolors sethardwareiomode setjobtimeout syn keyword postscrL2Operator setpagestockorder setprintername setresolution doprinterrors dostartpage syn keyword postscrL2Operator hardwareiomode initializedisk jobname jobtimeout ramsize realformat resolution syn keyword postscrL2Operator setdefaulttimeouts setdoprinterrors setdostartpage setdosysstart syn keyword postscrL2Operator setuserdiskpercent softwareiomode userdiskpercent waittimeout syn keyword postscrL2Operator setsoftwareiomode dosysstart emulate setmargins setmirrorprint endif " PS2 highlighting if postscr_level == 3 " Shading operators syn keyword postscrL3Operator setsmoothness currentsmoothness shfill " Clip operators syn keyword postscrL3Operator clipsave cliprestore " Pagedevive operators syn keyword postscrL3Operator setpage setpageparams " Device gstate operators syn keyword postscrL3Operator findcolorrendering " Font operators syn keyword postscrL3Operator composefont " PS LL3 Output device resource entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceN TrappingDetailsType " PS LL3 pagdevice dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeferredMediaSelection ImageShift InsertSheet LeadingEdge MaxSeparations syn keyword postscrConstant contained MediaClass MediaPosition OutputDevice PageDeviceName PageOffset ProcessColorModel syn keyword postscrConstant contained RollFedMedia SeparationColorNames SeparationOrder Trapping TrappingDetails syn keyword postscrConstant contained TraySwitch UseCIEColor syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorantDetails ColorantName ColorantType NeutralDensity TrappingOrder syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorantSetName " PS LL3 trapping dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained BlackColorLimit BlackDensityLimit BlackWidth ColorantZoneDetails syn keyword postscrConstant contained SlidingTrapLimit StepLimit TrapColorScaling TrapSetName TrapWidth syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageResolution ImageToObjectTrapping ImageTrapPlacement syn keyword postscrConstant contained StepLimit TrapColorScaling Enabled ImageInternalTrapping " PS LL3 filters and entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained ReusableStreamDecode CloseSource CloseTarget UnitSize LowBitFirst syn keyword postscrConstant contained FlateEncode FlateDecode DecodeParams Intent AsyncRead " PS LL3 halftone dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained Height2 Width2 " PS LL3 function dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained FunctionType Domain Range Order BitsPerSample Encode Size C0 C1 N syn keyword postscrConstant contained Functions Bounds " PS LL3 image dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained InterleaveType MaskDict DataDict MaskColor " PS LL3 Pattern and shading dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained Shading ShadingType Background ColorSpace Coords Extend Function syn keyword postscrConstant contained VerticesPerRow BitsPerCoordinate BitsPerFlag " PS LL3 image dictionary entries syn keyword postscrConstant contained XOrigin YOrigin UnpaintedPath PixelCopy " PS LL3 colorrendering procedures syn keyword postscrProcedure GetHalftoneName GetPageDeviceName GetSubstituteCRD " PS LL3 CIDInit procedures syn keyword postscrProcedure beginbfchar beginbfrange begincidchar begincidrange begincmap begincodespacerange syn keyword postscrProcedure beginnotdefchar beginnotdefrange beginrearrangedfont beginusematrix syn keyword postscrProcedure endbfchar endbfrange endcidchar endcidrange endcmap endcodespacerange syn keyword postscrProcedure endnotdefchar endnotdefrange endrearrangedfont endusematrix syn keyword postscrProcedure StartData usefont usecmp " PS LL3 Trapping procedures syn keyword postscrProcedure settrapparams currenttrapparams settrapzone " PS LL3 BitmapFontInit procedures syn keyword postscrProcedure removeall removeglyphs " PS LL3 Font names if exists("postscr_fonts") syn keyword postscrConstant contained AlbertusMT AlbertusMT-Italic AlbertusMT-Light Apple-Chancery Apple-ChanceryCE syn keyword postscrConstant contained AntiqueOlive-Roman AntiqueOlive-Italic AntiqueOlive-Bold AntiqueOlive-Compact syn keyword postscrConstant contained AntiqueOliveCE-Roman AntiqueOliveCE-Italic AntiqueOliveCE-Bold AntiqueOliveCE-Compact syn keyword postscrConstant contained ArialMT Arial-ItalicMT Arial-LightMT Arial-BoldMT Arial-BoldItalicMT syn keyword postscrConstant contained ArialCE ArialCE-Italic ArialCE-Light ArialCE-Bold ArialCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-BookOblique AvantGarde-Demi AvantGarde-DemiOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained AvantGardeCE-Book AvantGardeCE-BookOblique AvantGardeCE-Demi AvantGardeCE-DemiOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bodoni Bodoni-Italic Bodoni-Bold Bodoni-BoldItalic Bodoni-Poster Bodoni-PosterCompressed syn keyword postscrConstant contained BodoniCE BodoniCE-Italic BodoniCE-Bold BodoniCE-BoldItalic BodoniCE-Poster BodoniCE-PosterCompressed syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bookman-Light Bookman-LightItalic Bookman-Demi Bookman-DemiItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained BookmanCE-Light BookmanCE-LightItalic BookmanCE-Demi BookmanCE-DemiItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained Carta Chicago ChicagoCE Clarendon Clarendon-Light Clarendon-Bold syn keyword postscrConstant contained ClarendonCE ClarendonCE-Light ClarendonCE-Bold CooperBlack CooperBlack-Italic syn keyword postscrConstant contained Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC CopperPlate-ThirtyThreeBC Coronet-Regular CoronetCE-Regular syn keyword postscrConstant contained CourierCE CourierCE-Oblique CourierCE-Bold CourierCE-BoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eurostile Eurostile-Bold Eurostile-ExtendedTwo Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eurostile EurostileCE-Bold EurostileCE-ExtendedTwo EurostileCE-BoldExtendedTwo syn keyword postscrConstant contained Geneva GenevaCE GillSans GillSans-Italic GillSans-Bold GillSans-BoldItalic GillSans-BoldCondensed syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSans-Light GillSans-LightItalic GillSans-ExtraBold syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSansCE-Roman GillSansCE-Italic GillSansCE-Bold GillSansCE-BoldItalic GillSansCE-BoldCondensed syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSansCE-Light GillSansCE-LightItalic GillSansCE-ExtraBold syn keyword postscrConstant contained Goudy Goudy-Italic Goudy-Bold Goudy-BoldItalic Goudy-ExtraBould syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE HelveticaCE-Oblique HelveticaCE-Bold HelveticaCE-BoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica-Condensed Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique Helvetica-Condensed-Bold Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Condensed HelveticaCE-Condensed-Oblique HelveticaCE-Condensed-Bold syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Condensed-BoldObl Helvetica-Narrow Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique Helvetica-Narrow-Bold syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique HelveticaCE-Narrow HelveticaCE-Narrow-Oblique HelveticaCE-Narrow-Bold syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Narrow-BoldOblique HoeflerText-Regular HoeflerText-Italic HoeflerText-Black syn keyword postscrConstant contained HoeflerText-BlackItalic HoeflerText-Ornaments HoeflerTextCE-Regular HoeflerTextCE-Italic syn keyword postscrConstant contained HoeflerTextCE-Black HoeflerTextCE-BlackItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained JoannaMT JoannaMT-Italic JoannaMT-Bold JoannaMT-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained JoannaMTCE JoannaMTCE-Italic JoannaMTCE-Bold JoannaMTCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained LetterGothic LetterGothic-Slanted LetterGothic-Bold LetterGothic-BoldSlanted syn keyword postscrConstant contained LetterGothicCE LetterGothicCE-Slanted LetterGothicCE-Bold LetterGothicCE-BoldSlanted syn keyword postscrConstant contained LubalinGraph-Book LubalinGraph-BookOblique LubalinGraph-Demi LubalinGraph-DemiOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained LubalinGraphCE-Book LubalinGraphCE-BookOblique LubalinGraphCE-Demi LubalinGraphCE-DemiOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Marigold Monaco MonacoCE MonaLisa-Recut Oxford Symbol Tekton syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCennturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCenturySchlbkCE-Roman NewCenturySchlbkCE-Italic NewCenturySchlbkCE-Bold syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCenturySchlbkCE-BoldItalic NewYork NewYorkCE syn keyword postscrConstant contained Optima Optima-Italic Optima-Bold Optima-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained OptimaCE OptimaCE-Italic OptimaCE-Bold OptimaCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained Palatino-Roman Palatino-Italic Palatino-Bold Palatino-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained PalatinoCE-Roman PalatinoCE-Italic PalatinoCE-Bold PalatinoCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained StempelGaramond-Roman StempelGaramond-Italic StempelGaramond-Bold StempelGaramond-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained StempelGaramondCE-Roman StempelGaramondCE-Italic StempelGaramondCE-Bold StempelGaramondCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesCE-Roman TimesCE-Italic TimesCE-Bold TimesCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesNewRomanPSMT TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesNewRomanCE TimesNewRomanCE-Italic TimesNewRomanCE-Bold TimesNewRomanCE-BoldItalic syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers Univers-Oblique Univers-Bold Univers-BoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Medium UniversCE-Oblique UniversCE-Bold UniversCE-BoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Light Univers-LightOblique UniversCE-Light UniversCE-LightOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Condensed Univers-CondensedOblique Univers-CondensedBold Univers-CondensedBoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Condensed UniversCE-CondensedOblique UniversCE-CondensedBold UniversCE-CondensedBoldOblique syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Extended Univers-ExtendedObl Univers-BoldExt Univers-BoldExtObl syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Extended UniversCE-ExtendedObl UniversCE-BoldExt UniversCE-BoldExtObl syn keyword postscrConstant contained Wingdings-Regular ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChanceryCE-MediumItalic ZapfDingBats endif " Font names endif " PS LL3 highlighting if exists("postscr_ghostscript") " GS gstate operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .setaccuratecurves .currentaccuratecurves .setclipoutside syn keyword postscrGSOperator .setdashadapt .currentdashadapt .setdefaultmatrix .setdotlength syn keyword postscrGSOperator .currentdotlength .setfilladjust2 .currentfilladjust2 syn keyword postscrGSOperator .currentclipoutside .setcurvejoin .currentcurvejoin syn keyword postscrGSOperator .setblendmode .currentblendmode .setopacityalpha .currentopacityalpha .setshapealpha .currentshapealpha syn keyword postscrGSOperator .setlimitclamp .currentlimitclamp .setoverprintmode .currentoverprintmode " GS path operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .dashpath .rectappend " GS painting operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .setrasterop .currentrasterop .setsourcetransparent syn keyword postscrGSOperator .settexturetransparent .currenttexturetransparent syn keyword postscrGSOperator .currentsourcetransparent " GS character operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .charboxpath .type1execchar %Type1BuildChar %Type1BuildGlyph " GS mathematical operators syn keyword postscrGSMathOperator arccos arcsin " GS dictionary operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .dicttomark .forceput .forceundef .knownget .setmaxlength " GS byte and string operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .type1encrypt .type1decrypt syn keyword postscrGSOperator .bytestring .namestring .stringmatch " GS relational operators (seem like math ones to me!) syn keyword postscrGSMathOperator max min " GS file operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator findlibfile unread writeppmfile syn keyword postscrGSOperator .filename .fileposition .peekstring .unread " GS vm operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .forgetsave " GS device operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator copydevice .getdevice makeimagedevice makewordimagedevice copyscanlines syn keyword postscrGSOperator setdevice currentdevice getdeviceprops putdeviceprops flushpage syn keyword postscrGSOperator finddevice findprotodevice .getbitsrect " GS misc operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator getenv .makeoperator .setdebug .oserrno .oserror .execn " GS rendering stack operators syn keyword postscrGSOperator .begintransparencygroup .discardtransparencygroup .endtransparencygroup syn keyword postscrGSOperator .begintransparencymask .discardtransparencymask .endtransparencymask .inittransparencymask syn keyword postscrGSOperator .settextknockout .currenttextknockout " GS filters syn keyword postscrConstant contained BCPEncode BCPDecode eexecEncode eexecDecode PCXDecode syn keyword postscrConstant contained PixelDifferenceEncode PixelDifferenceDecode syn keyword postscrConstant contained PNGPredictorDecode TBCPEncode TBCPDecode zlibEncode syn keyword postscrConstant contained zlibDecode PNGPredictorEncode PFBDecode syn keyword postscrConstant contained MD5Encode " GS filter keys syn keyword postscrConstant contained InitialCodeLength FirstBitLowOrder BlockData DecodedByteAlign " GS device parameters syn keyword postscrConstant contained BitsPerPixel .HWMargins HWSize Name GrayValues syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorValues TextAlphaBits GraphicsAlphaBits BufferSpace syn keyword postscrConstant contained OpenOutputFile PageCount BandHeight BandWidth BandBufferSpace syn keyword postscrConstant contained ViewerPreProcess GreenValues BlueValues OutputFile syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxBitmap RedValues endif " GhostScript highlighting " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link postscrComment Comment hi def link postscrConstant Constant hi def link postscrString String hi def link postscrASCIIString postscrString hi def link postscrHexString postscrString hi def link postscrASCII85String postscrString hi def link postscrNumber Number hi def link postscrInteger postscrNumber hi def link postscrHex postscrNumber hi def link postscrRadix postscrNumber hi def link postscrFloat Float hi def link postscrBoolean Boolean hi def link postscrIdentifier Identifier hi def link postscrProcedure Function hi def link postscrName Statement hi def link postscrConditional Conditional hi def link postscrRepeat Repeat hi def link postscrL2Repeat postscrRepeat hi def link postscrOperator Operator hi def link postscrL1Operator postscrOperator hi def link postscrL2Operator postscrOperator hi def link postscrL3Operator postscrOperator hi def link postscrMathOperator postscrOperator hi def link postscrLogicalOperator postscrOperator hi def link postscrBinaryOperator postscrOperator hi def link postscrDSCComment SpecialComment hi def link postscrSpecialChar SpecialChar hi def link postscrTodo Todo hi def link postscrError Error hi def link postscrSpecialCharError postscrError hi def link postscrASCII85CharError postscrError hi def link postscrHexCharError postscrError hi def link postscrASCIIStringError postscrError hi def link postscrIdentifierError postscrError if exists("postscr_ghostscript") hi def link postscrGSOperator postscrOperator hi def link postscrGSMathOperator postscrMathOperator else hi def link postscrGSOperator postscrError hi def link postscrGSMathOperator postscrError endif let b:current_syntax = "postscr" " vim: ts=8