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" Vim syntax file " Language: Verilog-AMS " Maintainer: S. Myles Prather <> " " Version 1.1 S. Myles Prather <> " Moved some keywords to the type category. " Added the metrix suffixes to the number matcher. " Version 1.2 Prasanna Tamhankar <> " Minor reserved keyword updates. " Last Update: Thursday September 15 15:36:03 CST 2005 " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Set the local value of the 'iskeyword' option setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 " Annex B.1 'All keywords' syn keyword verilogamsStatement above abs absdelay acos acosh ac_stim syn keyword verilogamsStatement always analog analysis and asin syn keyword verilogamsStatement asinh assign atan atan2 atanh syn keyword verilogamsStatement buf bufif0 bufif1 ceil cmos connectmodule syn keyword verilogamsStatement connectrules cos cosh cross ddt ddx deassign syn keyword verilogamsStatement defparam disable discipline syn keyword verilogamsStatement driver_update edge enddiscipline syn keyword verilogamsStatement endconnectrules endmodule endfunction endgenerate syn keyword verilogamsStatement endnature endparamset endprimitive endspecify syn keyword verilogamsStatement endtable endtask event exp final_step syn keyword verilogamsStatement flicker_noise floor flow force fork syn keyword verilogamsStatement function generate highz0 syn keyword verilogamsStatement highz1 hypot idt idtmod if ifnone inf initial syn keyword verilogamsStatement initial_step inout input join syn keyword verilogamsStatement laplace_nd laplace_np laplace_zd laplace_zp syn keyword verilogamsStatement large last_crossing limexp ln localparam log syn keyword verilogamsStatement macromodule max medium min module nand nature syn keyword verilogamsStatement negedge net_resolution nmos noise_table nor not syn keyword verilogamsStatement notif0 notif1 or output paramset pmos syn keyword verilogamsType parameter real integer electrical input output syn keyword verilogamsType inout reg tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg syn keyword verilogamsType string from exclude aliasparam ground genvar syn keyword verilogamsType branch time realtime syn keyword verilogamsStatement posedge potential pow primitive pull0 pull1 syn keyword verilogamsStatement pullup pulldown rcmos release syn keyword verilogamsStatement rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 syn keyword verilogamsStatement scalared sin sinh slew small specify specparam syn keyword verilogamsStatement sqrt strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 syn keyword verilogamsStatement table tan tanh task timer tran tranif0 syn keyword verilogamsStatement tranif1 transition syn keyword verilogamsStatement vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 syn keyword verilogamsStatement white_noise wire wor wreal xnor xor zi_nd syn keyword verilogamsStatement zi_np zi_zd zi_zp syn keyword verilogamsRepeat forever repeat while for syn keyword verilogamsLabel begin end syn keyword verilogamsConditional if else case casex casez default endcase syn match verilogamsConstant ":inf"lc=1 syn match verilogamsConstant "-inf"lc=1 " Annex B.2 Discipline/nature syn keyword verilogamsStatement abstol access continuous ddt_nature discrete syn keyword verilogamsStatement domain idt_nature units " Annex B.3 Connect Rules syn keyword verilogamsStatement connect merged resolveto split syn match verilogamsOperator "[&|~><!)(*#%@+/=?:;}{,.\^\-\[\]]" syn match verilogamsOperator "<+" syn match verilogamsStatement "[vV]("me=e-1 syn match verilogamsStatement "[iI]("me=e-1 syn keyword verilogamsTodo contained TODO syn region verilogamsComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=verilogamsTodo syn match verilogamsComment "//.*" contains=verilogamsTodo syn match verilogamsGlobal "`celldefine" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`default_nettype" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`define" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`else" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`elsif" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`endcelldefine" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`endif" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`ifdef" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`ifndef" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`include" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`line" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`nounconnected_drive" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`resetall" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`timescale" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`unconnected_drive" syn match verilogamsGlobal "`undef" syn match verilogamsSystask "$[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\>" syn match verilogamsConstant "\<[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]\+\>" syn match verilogamsNumber "\(\<\d\+\|\)'[bB]\s*[0-1_xXzZ?]\+\>" syn match verilogamsNumber "\(\<\d\+\|\)'[oO]\s*[0-7_xXzZ?]\+\>" syn match verilogamsNumber "\(\<\d\+\|\)'[dD]\s*[0-9_xXzZ?]\+\>" syn match verilogamsNumber "\(\<\d\+\|\)'[hH]\s*[0-9a-fA-F_xXzZ?]\+\>" syn match verilogamsNumber "\<[+-]\=[0-9_]\+\(\.[0-9_]*\|\)\(e[0-9_]*\|\)[TGMKkmunpfa]\=\>" syn region verilogamsString start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=verilogamsEscape syn match verilogamsEscape +\\[nt"\\]+ contained syn match verilogamsEscape "\\\o\o\=\o\=" contained "Modify the following as needed. The trade-off is performance versus "functionality. syn sync lines=50 " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet " The default highlighting. hi def link verilogamsCharacter Character hi def link verilogamsConditional Conditional hi def link verilogamsRepeat Repeat hi def link verilogamsString String hi def link verilogamsTodo Todo hi def link verilogamsComment Comment hi def link verilogamsConstant Constant hi def link verilogamsLabel Label hi def link verilogamsNumber Number hi def link verilogamsOperator Special hi def link verilogamsStatement Statement hi def link verilogamsGlobal Define hi def link verilogamsDirective SpecialComment hi def link verilogamsEscape Special hi def link verilogamsType Type hi def link verilogamsSystask Function let b:current_syntax = "verilogams" " vim: ts=8